Explanation (part 1)

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"Will, please. You need to share what's happened. It'll help."


"Please Will..."

"NO! I... I can't Nico."

"But why Will?"

"I told you why Nico. I CAN'T TELL YOU!"

Nico shook his head at the nearby Apollo campers. No-one else could even get close to Will without him freaking out.

"Will... What happened when you went home last?"

"I don't want to say..."

"Was it something to do with your..."


Some of the Apollo campers scowled at this.

"Come on Will. Lets go back to my cabin where we wont be disturbed."

Nico shot the campers in the infirmary a dark look which had many of Will's siblings cowering in fear.

They left, leaving behind only an echo of a memory.

"You are not worthy of being called my son. No son of mine would have a boyfriend. And no daughter of mine would support same gender relationships."

The Apollo campers shuddered.

A small voice piped up.

"Maybe... Maybe you should accept Will for who he is. Many of our cabin swing both ways because of our father."

Many of Will's siblings nodded. Except for one.

"No. I will not accept it."

I went back and added a dedication to this. Go check out The_Messenger_ 's profile! Please?

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