IHOP and Hopes

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Chapter 8
Sara's POV

Once again I slammed the door in a certain blondes face. Ross will not stop coming up here. It's a little annoying, yet sweet. I love that he is concerned for Amanda, but YEESH back off. I've got this. I have told Ros ten times before that I would call him when he could see Amanda. She needs rest right now. The few hours she did sleep, she had a bad dream, which can't allow you to relax very much. Fear was one of the reasons for her passing out and that dream just added on to it. I think that is enough excitement for one day.

Although, I do have a plan. Tomorrow I plan on just Amanda and I hanging out for a couple hours and after that we will swing by the Lynch's so Ross doesn't explode. I say that I'm going over there for Ross and Amanda. That is partially true. I'm also going over there because I haven't seen Riker in a while and I think I'll die if I don't see him.

It was now eight o'clock and I felt like I was going to pass out. I was so tired. I had bags under my eyes from watching Amanda just in case she woke up. I was so worried. I didn't know what to do.

I would walk into her room and she would mumble my name, Ross' name, Jace's name, and a few more that I've never heard before. I started walking upstairs towards my room. I opened my door and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

I woke up the next morning wanting to just lay down and never get up, but I knew that Amanda needed to get out of the house and get back to being herself. There has been way too much drama lately and we just need a chill day.

I got out out of bed reluctantly and went to my closet to find something to wear. I picked out some clothes and jewelry before I went to take a quick shower, because I was too tired to take one last night.

After about fifteen minutes I was done with my shower. I put my robe on and headed to Amanda's room to wake her up so she could start getting ready. Surprisingly, she was already up and dressed when I opened the door.

"Well okay then. I guess I don't need to wake you up now."

We both laughed, hers seeming somewhat forced, and I walked back to my room. I quickly got dressed and started to dry my hair. I hated drying my hair. It took way too long.

Finally, I was done drying my hair, but now I had to curl it. The curls flowed down my back. It looked better than usual.

I felt like today was going to be a drama free day. I think we all needed it. There had been too many tears in the past few days. I am done with crying. I've cried so much in the past three years. I can't take anymore pain. If life didn't get any easier, I didn't know what I was going to do. I had been on the verge of self harm before, and I didn't want to go back to that.

Once, I was done curling my hair, I put on some deodorant and perfume and went downstairs. Amanda was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, watching The Vampire Diaries.

Ha! I knew she would start watching it sooner or later. She didn't seem to notice that I had walked into the room, so I decided to have some fun.

I slowly walked behind her, making sure I didn't make a sound while doing so. I was right behind her now. I then screamed

"Boo!" She jumped and the popcorn went flying off her lap and onto the floor. Amanda was sitting on the couch with her hand on her chest.

"Sara! Why did you do that?"

I was laughing so hard. I couldn't speak. I held up my finger, telling her to give me a minute while I died. Soon she started laughing along with me. We finally stopped laughing.

"Okay let's go." I said while walking to the door.

We got into the car and headed towards our first stop of the day, IHOP. This was our favorite restaurant. We went in and sat down at the counter and ordered our usual. There were a couple guys sitting across the counter from us. I have to admit, they were attractive, but not my type. Not my type at all. They looked like they should be those bad boys that go around sleeping with every girl in the movies.

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