The beginning of it all - Part V°

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Nine o'clock arrived and Irene smiled with satisfaction when, at the group walk, the boys who had demanded private activities the day before showed up.

"For the walk it is ten euros per person" she said, opening the gate of the small enclosure where she had tied all the horses destined for the walk.
"You can give the money directly to me, both before and after the walk" he smiled and then began to introduce the horses and gradually call the names of everyone present.
"And the three of you will ride them," he pointed to three chestnut horses.
"They are docile and well balanced, they won't give you any problems," she explained as she grabbed the money some customers had brought her.
"To get on you have to put a foot on the stirrup" she continued, but she was interrupted by the blond who, putting a hand on her shoulder, told her
"We have been riding since we were little, don't worry, we already know how to do it."

"Oh well ... So perfect," Irene spoke as she took the boy's hand off her shoulder.
At that moment he wanted to cut it off, but he avoided commenting on his gesture.
Once everyone was ready, they left.
It was a quiet walk except that it was flooded with questions from the three boys.
How long she lived here, if she'd ever seen aliens and stuff like that.
Even if they seemed random questions, Irene had guessed that in truth they were well aimed at a very specific purpose, which however she had not yet discovered.
When they dismounted, she was the happiest girl on earth, she would finally have some peace and would not have to talk to those three mints again that she found herself having to babysit.

"Here's your money" Naomi handed the money with a patently fake smile, probably still gnawing at him for how he had replied the day before.

"Thank you very much" she also reciprocated with a similar satisfied grin printed on her face, that girl already hated her.

"You know, you're a really nice girl," Luka winked as he approached her and put his arm around her shoulders.
Irene counted to ten before stepping away and speaking.

"Sorry, but I have to work, I don't have time to talk to someone, so I ask you to get out of the fence and do something else."

Damien almost burst out laughing.
"You have just been friendzoned to the great friend" he said as soon as Irene was far enough away.

Luka avoided commenting on his dig.
"Let's try to hurry up with this mission, I want to go home" he said with a shrug.

"Why all this seriousness?
That's not really like you. "Damien shook his head, smirking.
"Oh yeah, wait, they turn you around because it didn't fall at your feet."

"Stop it," he protested, pushing him annoyed.

Naomi rolled her eyes before walking away.
"Males ... whoever understands them is good."

That evening Irene went out earlier than usual, she was impatient to see if the egg had hatched.
She silently crossed the garden of the house, and then jumped the wall.
Once she had overcome the obstacle she walked towards the wood, remaining attentive and alert that no one was observing her.
She quickened her pace when he heard voices in the distance, but luckily he reached the bush in a few minutes and, thanks to the thick vegetation, hid easily.
It was practically impossible to see her inside the woods.
Irene did not bring any kind of light with her, by now she knew by heart the way to go to Sioc and she did not need lighting to understand where to put her feet.
Many times she had hurt herself with branches, stones and chestnut curls, but as the saying goes, you learn from mistakes.
So she was now like a dark ninja!

"I knew it!" Luka exclaimed, spying on the golden-haired girl.
"I told you he didn't tell me the right one!"He and his companions had hidden in the evergreen bushes of the hedge that lined the farm, so as to follow her without being seen.

"Or she gnaws at you because you got a nice two of spades from her," the companion teased.
The blond boy shot him a dirty look.

"Stop being idiots and let's go, we're losing sight of her" Naomi warned them as she passed them and followed the country girl.
The other two also did the same.
Luka was the fastest of the three and, like every time, he separated from the group ahead of them.
Keeping only the girl's footsteps in mind, he was able to follow his own path, the same and identical.It was impressive how this stranger was able to walk at that speed without the use of a light, she must have been through there many times.
The boy looked up at the sky, above his head was Cydo, his familiar, wearing the reflector device.
Whatever happened he was there to protect him and this gave the young man courage that yes, he was impatient and curious to see up close the huge bird of prey that this girl had with her, but it was a even scared.
After all, he had almost risked death from that giant striga, it was obvious to have it under his belt.With a shrug he pushed his thoughts back and focused solely on Irene.
He stepped over a log on the ground, but soon realized he had to stop there.In front of him was a precipice and in its center was a rocky valley, but if he came down at this exact moment the girl would surely see it, so it was not wise to proceed.
Luka looked around trying to get an idea quickly and after a couple of minutes of contemplating the surrounding environment he had an intuition.
He waved his hand to Cydo, who glided masterfully towards him, passing through the thick trees.Cydo was a barn owl and like all owls he was able to fly without producing any kind of sound, thanks to his wings of very compact feathers and feathers and his streamlined body.

"Hey nice, I have a plan, but I need your help" Luka communicated, placing her hand on his big crushed face and stroking it with affection.
The bird of prey made a small throaty sound.
Cydo trusted Luka blindly and the other way.
Both had been companions for a very long time and were linked as if they were one.

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