Chapter 1: The Begining

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"STOP! YOUR HURTING HIM!" A little girl pleaded her brother's gang, fighting against the tight grip of her brother on her small body.

"SHUT UP EMIYO, OR YOU WILL BE NEXT!" Her brother hissed at her, making her winced from her sensitivebat like ears, but this did not stop her from fighting against her brothers old on her. She saw the look on the poor boys face through her brothers long,oily black hair, his red eyes were full of guilt, his sky blue hair was a shaggy messed, and his clothes were dirty with brown stains and now some maroon ones from his bloody nose started to grow has a guy in his early twenties was beating him. His oil,silver hair was a mess and beads of sweat ran down his fore head. And the little boy that was no older than 8 just layed on the cold cement ground. That was not even the wosrt part of this was this was happening in the middle of the day in a dark ally wher voices carry. Meaning people could hear her pleads but choose to ignore it, thinking heros would take care of it.

"Why is no one helping!? Where are the heros!? People should hear me, right?! I have to do something! But I don't want to get hurt again." She thought has she slowly fought less till she stopped complety, as fear and doubt in her self  took over her body.

"Finally, you stop, brat. Oi, Mamzo is anybody coming?" The male asked a guy wearing black joggers,wearing a white hoodie. His blond hair was parted striaght down the middle and cut right under his scared ear letting some shadow his light blue eyes full of disappointment and tiredness.

"No one. Can I leave, I don't have time for your petty acts." Mamzo spoke, tiredness was evidence in his voice has he did little to no effort in hidding it.

"Petty?! He stole from us. This is the punishment." The male grunted, stepping away from the kid, now turning his attention towards Mamzo.

"Yeah, he should have known not to steal from us. And we have Emiyo to thank, she was the one who let us know he was stealing." Emiyo brother said in a matter a fact tone, making sure Emiyo felt bad about it.

"Oh please, she was doing her job that you for forced her to. She did it out of fear." The silverette laughed. "Isnt that right Emmy?"

"Don't call me that." She growled has the two males laughed and Mamzo just watched.

"What are you going to do? Bite me with your fangs? You cant do anything...freak" Her brother said mocking her before she bit him roughly, making him growl and  pushing her towards the concrete wall with a yelp. He was slowly walking towards the small girl, back pressed against the wall wanting to be anywhere.

"Sadao. Don't." Mamzo said sternly

"What?!" He Growled

"Dont't. Hit. Her." He repeated

"Or what?" He growled cockily, with a smirk on his face before he looked at his worker, siganling him to get ready and fight.

"Lets just say you will reget it." He threatend lazily, putting his hands in his hoodie, only to press a button.

" Yeah *Yawns* right." he spoke his smirk slipping away into a look of confusion. "What the *yawns* hell? Why.... am... so.......tired?" He quesioned, leaning on the wall for support,as he can no longer stand by himself

"Sadao? Whats happening?" The silverette asked.

"I....don't........know.....Tam.....a." He said weakly before colasping on the ground.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Tama asked angerly, getting ready to chatge at Mamzo

"I did nothing." Mamzo said camly looking at Emiyo by the blue hair boy, checking all of his wounds.

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