Chapter Two

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My eyes flickered open as the sound of fists against wood filled my chambers.


"Gray?! Are you awake yet?" Came the call from the other side of the door, I forced my head off the pillow and rubbed my temples. 

"Well i am now!!" I hissed towards the door. The thought of what was to come coupled with the lack of sleep the night before had left my mood soured. I rubbed my eyes which were clammy and swollen from the tears that had fallen. I hated crying, it made me sick to the stomach to think i'd cried over such a thing. I was angry and i should have stood my ground instead of buckling under like a runt. The heavy wooden door swung open and light cascaded through and filled my room. I squinted against the light. Groaning, i dug my head back into my pillow and pulled the blankets over me. I just wanted to stay there, huddled among the warm sheets. But of course... I felt the sheets tug away from me harshly.

"Gray, i know you don't want to do this but you can't just hide under your blankets!" Cannis growled. 

"I could if you'd leave me alone!" I spat. I had known Cannis since i was young and I knew that he wouldn't disobey an order even if it killed him! Unfortunately, the orders had to come from my father rather then me... He wouldn't just give up if i refused to go. Cannis sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me off the bed and throwing me over his shoulder. I kicked and struggled but he held firm. In this case, it wasn't just because i was a runt, though my lack of strength didn't really help my situation... Cannis was by far the strongest wolf in the pack, even more so then my father. If he wasn't so loyal and noble, he could have over thrown my father long ago.

"I can take you as is, or i can put you down, let you prepare your self and you come with me voluntarily! It's your choice." He said smugly.

"I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I yelled. I felt Cannis shrug beneath me.

"Suit your self." He said simply. He tuned on his heals, carrying me towards the door. I would love to say that he dragged me kicking and screaming but i tended to sleep with out a shirt and the thought of people seeing me like that was enough to submit. 

"PUT ME DOWN!" I exclaimed, trying to wriggle free. 

Cannis stopped. "You know my conditions." He smirked. I hated that smirk. It was one he would always use when he knew he had the upper hand, which, with me, was more often then not. It was a crooked grin with one corner pulled up further then the other, showing a hint of his large, menacing teeth.

"FINE! JUST PUT ME DOWN!" I whined, though i had meant it to be a demand. He dropped me to the floor and i staggered back, my body still half asleep. He ruffled my hair.

"There's a good pup!" He said sweetly. I growled slightly, hanging my head. I was almost at my coming of age and still everyone treated me as a child. I turned away and went over to my wardrobe. I threw the doors open and went digging in the bottom, where most of my cloths ended up anyway, to find something to wear. The cold of the room ran across the small of my back, making me shiver. I just wanted to go back to bed and never leave. I threw my cloths onto my bed and shut the doors. 

"Thank you." Cannis grinned. He turned and walked towards the door. "I'll be back in about 7 minutes." 

"Great..." I muttered. He closed the door behind him, leaving me in my room alone... If only i had a lock on my door... No! No, i had to face this like a true alpha, i should be strong and resilient and meet it head on... But god damn it, i'm not alpha yet! I quickly pulled on my cloths and packed a few things into my back pack. I brushed my hair back and looked across the room. This was just... Too fast. I had hardly had the time to let it sink in, let alone come to terms with it... It just wasn't fair... I felt a tear roll fall onto my cheek and roll down. I quickly wiped it away and composed myself. Thankfull that it was only the one.

Slowly, the door opened again. My attention snapped to where Cannis stood, a bag over his own shoulder.

"You ready?" He asked.

I simply scowled at him, sneering slightly. Cannis shook his head slowly.

"I'll tell you what, we'll go for a run before we go,  eh?" He suggested.

I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not aloud into the forrest remember..." I muttered.

Cannis smirked slyly and leant against the door frame with his arms folded. He brushed a stray hair from his face.

"Well... What your father doesn't know won't hurt him will it?" He smiled. I blinked in disbelief for a moment. Was he taking pity on me?

"Are you... feeling okay...?" I asked. "You never go against the alpha!!"

"Are you telling me you don't want to go?" He asked. I smirked and dropped my bag. I sprinted forwards, side stepping Cannis and speeding off down the hallway. I could just image the smug smile that would be plastered on his face.

I slowed to a hault at the edge of the woodlands.  I closed my eyes and took in the deep, fresh, mossy smell of the forrest. It had been so long since I had been able to exercise my wolf. I looked round see Cannis catching up. He slowed to a walk.

"A little eager aren't we?" He mocked. I scowled and took him by the arm, dragging him into the under growth. I didn't care If I was disobeying my father, he was sending me anyway. I fell to my hands and knees onto the forrest floor. My spine tingled, my breath shallowed, mu eyes strained and I could feel the change coming over me and enveloping me. To explain shifting to a person who never has before would be difficult. The best way I can describe it would be to be trapped in a shell that is constantly pressing down on you. But you are able to break out of it when you shift! The unbridled freedom you feel when you first open your eyes as a wolf is the most addictive sensation I have ever felt. It's enough to drive a man to madness if he'd let it. After all my time penned up in the camp, i was ready to let it.

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