Y'all gonna want to commit murder after this

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**WARNINGS** Rape and Abuse

'Thoughts' "Talking" "Whispering" "Yelling" A/N

~~~11 Years Later~~~

Izuku's P.O.V.


I woke up to my alarm clock playing one of the songs on my playlist. 'Time for another day in Hell yay.' I got up and decided to hurry and get ready to avoid my father because my mom had already left for work. I got up and hurried to get ready for school so that I didn't wake up him up but of course he still did.

3rd person Point of View

Izuku heard his father's bed creaking and his door opening. Izuku tried to hurriedly get outside but he was dragged roughly by his hair back to the living room. Hisashi started screaming profanities at his "son". Izuku struggled to not react because he knew reacting would only make it worse. As Hisashi was yanking Izuku by his hair and onto their dirty couch, he was also yanking his belt from off his waist. "You know what happens when you wake me up, right Izuku." "Yes father", Izuku spat through gritted teeth while trembling, knowing what was about to come next.


Hisashi took of his pants and boxers and started tugging on Izuku's next. H\After taking off Izuku's pants, Hisashi shoved Izuku's head into his ball sack. "Suck" was all he said, with a forceful push of Izuku's head. Izuku struggled to get off but he knew it was useless as he knew that it would only make him happier and make him go harder. After Hisashi decided that Izuku had done a good enough job he shoved Izuku onto the floor on all four's. He aligned his dick with Izuku's hole and shoved in while grunting and moaning as Izuku screamed in pain. He pushed in and out until Izuku either got used to the pain or he knew screaming wouldn't help it get over with faster. Izuku had to pretend moan or else he knew he would get beaten later on. After about 5-10 minutes ( Izuku lost count ) Hisashi finally screamed in pleasure and cummed inside of Izuku.

**Rape Is Over You May Now Continue Reading**

As Hisashi came down from his high, he looked at Izuku below him and laughed. "You useless slut, you don't deserve to live", he said in a cheery tone as if he had the best idea ever.. He then left to the kitchen to grab something. When he left Izuku stood up feeling wobbly from the pain in his back. He pulled up his pants just as Hisashi came back in the room. "Who told you to move you brat" he screamed at Izuku. "No one" Izuku whispered, his voice raspy from his screams and moans. "Exactly and you know what happens when you don't follow directions or do stuff you aren't told to do." Hisashi told Izuku, while pullinng a knife from behind his back before violently throwing it at Izuku. Izuku screamed in pain as Hisashi laughed relishing in his screams before remembering the neighbors. "Shut up before I kill you" he said with a thoughtful look on his face. "You know what I think that's a good idea. I will kill you," he said while pulling the knife from out of Izuku's body. As Hisashi prolonged Izuku demise, Izuku screamed and screamed. A few minutes later a loud pounding sounded on the door, "This is the police open up before we are forced to break down this door." Hisashi looked up with a look of fear masked with annoyance.He stabbed Izuku one last time with a look of disgust on his face before the police knocked down the door. They saw Izuku bloodied on the floor with a knife in his stomach and Hisashi standing over with a look of pride for what he'd done. After they took him away and Izuku was all healed up, they gave him back to Inko his "loving, caring mother".

This chapter is 671 words. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and i hope you have a very merry Christmas,Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or if you don't celebrate anything then have a nice winter break. BAIII

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