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I am hiding my face
From the evil of my mare.
She look for me in the night,
Wearing the darkness as her crown
With the shine of
thousand dead stars in her eyes.
She seem so beautiful from far
Like she carries the love I am looking for
But when she looks in me
My soul starts shivering
And heart beats start getting slower.
I feel my death by her touch.
She knows exactly
how to camouflage
With the fake love she shows.
She has some fire in her heart
Not for the soul but for the bodies
She touched or cursed.
And from now i think,
She will rule my mind too
By making it just like her kingdom.
Burning in some beautiful flames
People will find it really aesthetic
But for me It will be dark and dead forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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