Lab Partners

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Leafy walked with her eyes closed as she waved her arms back and forth. Golf Ball had asked if she wanted to be a test subject in an upcoming project of hers, she said yes, of course.

She hasn't told her what the project is about, but not to worry! Golf Ball wouldn't do anything too bad. Plus, she had a partner to help with the project! Hopefully it wasn't somebody who hated her.

She thought about it a bit more before she approached the underground lab, and started heading down the stairs. She first saw Tennis Ball, who smiled as he waited at the bottom for her.

"Hiya, Tennis Ball!" She greeted him as she reached the bottom of the stairs. "Nice to see you're on time, Leafy." He smiled, then turned to Golf Ball as he put his foot up, pointing, "If you go over there, Golf Ball will tell you where you can wait for your partner."

She nodded to him as she walked to Golf Ball, who was on the other side of the lab infront of what looked like a huge glass container and what looked like one of those rollar coaster control pads pressing a few buttons.

She looked up with a stern expression as she saw Leafy, but it changed as she realized it was Leafy. "Ah, Leafy, you are actually on time." Leafys smile turned to a frown as she stopped infront of Golf Ball, "Uh, yeah. I don't really have much to do."

"Anyways, stand in there, you can choose a seat to sit in while you wait for your partner, I dont care which one." She said as she gestured to the huge container, on the inside were two metal chairs evenly spaced away from each other, some weird machine hanging above them.

"Uh, okay." Leafy walked in hesitantly, and sat in the seat on her left. She noticed as Golf Ball shouted something to Tennis Ball, he nodded and walked out of her view. She turned back to Golf Ball who seemed to remember something, as her face changed and she walked into the container.

"Leafy, I forgot to mention you have to promise not to share anything that happened in here to anybody else. Anything that happens here, stays here."

She held up a piece of paper with her mouth, in her foot she gave Leafy a pen, obviously asking for a signature. Leafy signed her name and hesitantly put the paper back into GB's mouth. She nodded at her, pleased, and exited the container.

In the corner of her eye, Leafy saw TB again, she turned to see him walking up the stairs with a piece of paper and pen in his mouth. GB continued on the dial pad thing as Leafy sat, now staring at the ground.

"So.. Why am I here again?" Leafy heard a familiar voice ask, along with a warm orange glow coming down the stairs. "You're here to volunteer in a project Golf Ball has been working on." Tennis Ball answered.

"And you already signed the contract, so no backing out." They reached the bottom of the stairs, Leafy and the familiar figure imidiently making eye contact. "So, go to Golf Ball and she'll get you both started."

Firey glared at Leafy as he slowly made his way to Golf Ball. "Good, you're here." Firey just gave her a blank stare. "Go in there and sit in the other seat, then we can start the project."

He stepped in and awkwardly sat in the other seat, avoiding Leafy while she gave him a confused look. Golf Ball typed a couple more things onto the dial pad thing as Tennis Ball put the papers into a drawer and stood infront of the container thing.

They both came into the room and stood infront of Firey and Leafy, about 3 feet away. "Alright. Would you like to know what this project is?" Golf Ball asked, Leafy slightly raised her hand, "Yes, please."

Golf Ball rasied an eyebrow at her, but answered anyways. "This experiment is inspired by the last challenge, and, if this works correctly, you both will switch bodys, feelings, and thinking habits." Fireys eyes widened as he interupted her, "What's that supposed to mean??" She gave him a annoyed look.

"It means your mind will be in Leafys body, vice versa. You will get Leafys abilitys, muscle memory, and sometimes Leafys mindset might shine through. You might acidentally do something Leafy would do in that moment, for example you might acidentally snap and want to throw knifes at people, instead of just being mad. Or, if you encounter something that triggers Leafy, you might start feelings her feelings towards that thing."

Leafy looked down to think for a second, then looked back up as she continued, "This is to test how you react, how different you can act, and how fast it takes for others around you to realize. The goal is to make it seem like you are them, not you." She stayed silent as she waited for them to take it in, "Any questions?"

"Yes!" Firey imidiently answered, "Why us?" Tennis Ball smiled, ready to answer, "Leafy volunteered to do this, plus we believe she might have a mental illness, and her emotions can change very fast, she is very interesting." Leafy squinted her eyes at that.

"As for you, you're fire, it would be interesting to see what you would do once you can actually touch things without burning them, or just to touch water." Firey was conflicted at the idea of that, and stayed quiet.

Golf Ball left the room as Tennis Ball lowered the object hanging above them, and left as well. He closed and locked the door behind him. "Alright, are you ready?!" Golf Ball shouted, loud enough so they could hear her inside, they both hesitantly nodded.

Golf Ball flicked a switch on the dial pad thing and electricity started powering the device above Firey and Leafy, their vision slowly going white..


Hopefully this was interesting

I didnt know what to call Golf Balls dial pad thing but its (in the best way I can describe it) a tablet that goes from the floor to Golf Balls height and it has a bunch of buttons and switches on it

I'm not sure how long its gonna take to get out more chapters- hopefully it doesn't take long if people actually read and or want more of this

I dont have an exact story line for this but I'm trying to come up with one

Anyways escaping now
Cya later friendos

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