00 . the beginning

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"Looking back, I remember all the shit that happened to us out there, but do I regret going? Not at all." Marley recalled, staring blankly at the table in front of her.

"No?" Dr Faber queried.

"Sure, the events were traumatising and I spent so long afraid inside, but I was like that before the island. This island and this circumstance surrounded me with an admittedly unusual group of girls who eventually became my friends which is something I rarely had before. Obviously, all the shit that happened is something I never hope to go through again, but it had it's positive moments." 

"And could you talk us through those moments?" Young asked, voice calm.

"I mean that's why I'm here isn't it? To talk?" she muttered in response.


Marley never thought she would find herself on a private jet surrounded by nine other girls, most of whom she had never met before, heading off to some revolutionary feminist resort in Hawaii because of her parent's hatred for her. And yet here she was.

What shocked her getting on the plane was that everyone else seemed to have come in pairs and yet there they were, the three of them - Toni, Martha and Marley - childhood best friends (and exes in Toni and Marley's case) who had been inseparable for as long as they could remember. They found their seats, Marley sitting in the seat in front of Martha, ignoring all around her and simply trying to fall asleep seeing as the seats on the plane were the most luxury thing she could imagine touching and she was going to take full advantage of that fact.


After the plane was full and had taken to the air, the blonde haired girl a few rows behind them had stood up and brought herself to stand before them all, Marley being black-out asleep already at this point, much to the amusement of Martha and Toni. 

"So," she started, "in the interest of bringing us all together, I would like to propose a little icebreaker."

"How about Never Have I Ever," another one of the girls- Jeanette - stood up, excited.

"Uh, that game's a little much," the blonde - Shelby - cut in before she was interrupted with Jeanette's rambling about how the game worked, gushing as she spoke. At this point, Toni looked over at Marley, seeing her fast asleep, and smirked slightly at the situation they had found themselves in. 

"Like I said, that game's a little intense for those of us who don't know each other so why don't we pair up, chat with each other and then afterwards you can introduce your partner to the group?" she finished, walking down the plane aisle. 

"This is ridiculous," Toni muttered, earning a smile from Martha, before she was pulled up by Shelby and sat by another girl - Rachel. 

"Oh, I didn't realise she was asleep," said Shelby as she went to pair up Marley.

"Yeah, I wouldn't wake her either, blondie, she's bad enough as it is." Toni teased, earning a laugh from Martha. 

"Okay then," Shelby muttered before the girls all delved into their separate conversations, most of which didn't go positively. 


Marley was abruptly woken up when the plane started shuddering, lights flickering and panic spreading through all the girls on board. 

"Toni! Martha!" she got up quickly from her seat and joined them, all three now clinging to each other, her forehead pressed against Toni's shoulder, bracing for impact before everything went black.


A/N : I watched this show for the first time a few days ago and I fell in love with everyone, especially Toni and I wanted to put my own character into the story so I hope you enjoy :)

I also want to clarify that I only own Marley and her storyline, everything else is owned by the writers and creators of The Wilds which I highly recommend to watch. I ask that you please don't copy or steal any of the work written in this book as I try extremely hard on it and am very proud of what I write.

A/N 2: I am currently (January 27th 2021) going back through and editing the currently published chapters of this story but if you do see any grammar mistakes please do comment :)

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