Dear Reader,

103K 2.4K 150

Dear Reader,

Wow! The last few weeks have been a total whirlwind. 

Since Star's Crossing won a Watty, the book has seen its humble 20,000 reads grow to over 200,000. It has continued to trend higher and higher in tags like YA, literary, teen fiction, and Victorian. It has received thousands of comments and tens of thousands of votes. 

I can't even begin to express my gratitude to my readers here on Wattpad: those of you who were here from the beginning, those of you who have returned, and those who are brand new. Thank you for your loyalty, and for taking a chance on me. :)

It's a true pleasure to watch readers embark on this journey with Mare. I love reading your comments and reactions, and it never ceases to surprise me how kind, hilarious, and passionate all of you are. I do endeavor to reply to as many comments I can, which isn't always realistic—but rest assured that I read and enjoy them all! 

2020 has been a chaotic year, and so I hope that Star's Crossing proves to be a total retreat for you, the reader, returning or brand new. It certainly was for me. So, please, go enjoy the cold, rainy woods; the fire-warmed parlors over sherry and good conversation; the sun-drenched meadows made for picnics; the perfumed, illustrious galas and chases and masquerades.

Like so many of you, reading and writing are what I do for pleasure, and to escape. They are my greatest passions, and I'm so honored that my humble little story has been given so much love. 

The truth is that when I sat down to write Star's Crossing, what feels like an eternity ago, I thought, like any new writer does: if one person reads this book, if one person loves it, all of the labor, love, time, work, and words will have been worth it. 

And it has been. :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

And without further ado, please enjoy Star's Crossing. 


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