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It's Kayla

I told y'all we're going to updating frequently.

A lot of stuff has been annoying us, so we have some stuff to rant about.




So hopefully we have some 5sos fans reading this and if not just stay with me throughout this rant.


If didn't know Ashton from 5sos is supposedly dating Playboy Model Biannca Rose.

So most girls/fans would be like,

She's using him and she's not even pretty and etc.

Me as a fan I'm just like,

"Okay wooow playboy model...okay, I guess if you want to fuck with thots you can, you'll learn your lesson".

Now she isn't a thot unless she slept with a lot of people before.

Ever since the word thot came out, I just kind of call everyone that has a kinda nasty job a thot.

Like girls who work at Hooters, yes it's a job and your getting money which is going to help you in life but the outfits you wear aren't cute.

You could have any job you want that deals with food and waitressing, and they have professional uniforms. But you chose Hooters. Maybe that was their dream to work at Hooters but at some point I feel like it's for attention.

Now back to the original topic...

This Biannca chick is only 20 and she's a Playboy model.

I don't know what's going through her head. I don't know her life story, I'm only stating my opinion.

Maybe that was her dream to become a playboy model, I don't know but at the same time, you could be a model another way.

Not all models show off their bodies at least I don't think so but you never know.

I'm going to keep this short and simple, maybe not.

What I'm trying to say is, at 20 I feel like your still a child. When I get to 20 I'll be in college (not trying to jinx it) trying to get my degree and become possibly a famous culinary artists.

She could've possibly been in college and then became a model or she could've just went straight at it.

At 20 she should be traveling the world, acting silly, and being basically a child.

She can't even drink yet, at least not in America.

Of course she's doing these things with all the money she's making but that's money she's making by basically selling her body.

Old men and young boys look at Playboy magazine's, and you know what they do to them, don't even need to explain.

Sometimes I wish celebrities weren't famous but then we wouldn't have movies, songs, shows and etc.

But hey if she's happy with what she does then... I don't give a fuck about you or anything that you do.

At the same time I wish her job could be different.

No hate, she's pretty though.


I hoped y'all enjoyed

Comment your opinions if you want to, it's not like anyone does so.

Keep voting and commenting.





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