Chapter 14

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So I'm writing another story it's not a fan fiction but its called Not As Perfect As Barbie. I also want to dedicate this chapter to Ambs5SOS

As I get ready for school this morning I remember that my birthday is coming up and that Mike told me he loved me on Saturday. Sometimes I wonder what my parents are doing and if they miss me. I'm not the type that gives second chances so I guess Mike is extremely lucky. God what to where today its to hot to wear pants but I have this leg tattoo that starts from my ankle and ends at my waist. But I guess shorts it is. I went with acid washed shorts and a blink 182 muscle tank. I threw my hair into a ponytail and applied my black eyeliner and my mascara.

"Kat do u want a ride?"

"No I have my own car thanks." I say as I walk down the stairs.

"So proms coming up, yeah?"

"Yep." I say grabbing a bowl out of the cupboard.

"You have volley ball practice today?" I forgot to mention I play volley ball.

"Yeah." I say getting slightly annoyed.

"Proms coming up right? And do you still have volley ball game tomorrow?"

"Yes now I have to go." I grab my back pack and car keys then hop into my Shelby mustangs. I think I have to pick Cal up for school. Before I could dial his number my phone started to ring the caller ID reading Cal ;-) .

(Cal- bold italics, Kat- Italics)

C-- Are you still picking me up

K- Yeah I'm on my way

C- Okay see you.

I had no idea what school was going to be like today at school. Walking down the hall way to my locker I felt and arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Hey." I knew it was Michael I mean who wouldn't.


"I like your car...."

"Thanks. Are you okay you seem like your hiding something."

"Uh. Well you know prom is coming...... And um....." He scratched the back of his neck nervouly.

"Do.... You..... Want to go with me."

"Yeah I'll go with you." He pecks my lips then whispers.....

"We have to go to homeroom." I nod and he takes my hand.

Michaels P.O.V

I don't know if she knows it but I love her so incredibly much yeah I've told her but I really mean it. Me and her have a lot of things in common. Taste in music, my little pony, pokemon, she likes to dye her hair, tattoos.

We walk into homeroom and I drag her towards the back of the room. We were having a steady conversation. When the teacher said something then called on Katrina.

"Ms. Irwin you need to change." Kate stands up and puts her hand on her desk.


"Because your showing to much tattoo."

"You people are ridiculous I'm never coming back to this school ever. Hope you all have a happy time in this friggin dump!" She yells walking out the door my first instinct was to follow her so I did.

"Mr. Clifford where are you going."

"I'm following my girlfriend!!" I yelled walking put the door. I walk out to the parking lot and her car was gone.

Katrina's P.O.V

I slam my car door and then walk into the house seeing Ashton on the phone. This isn't going to be good judging by the look he just gave me. I start to walk upstairs when he calls my name.
"Your suspended and you aren't allowed to play in the game tomorrow."
"Okay can I just drop out I mean please I know everything. I can sing so you say so I can audition somewhere please."
"We will see." I ran upstairs and slammed my door I don't want to deal with this crap.

Bullied By Michael CliffordDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora