Quackity Angst

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TW: Abusive relationship, abuse, slight blood

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TW: Abusive relationship, abuse, slight blood

Quackity POV
Fighting again... what's new? I sighed, getting up but sitting back down. I just got a little lightheaded. I raised my hand up to my forehead, feeling the crimson liquid flow down my fingers like water. I got up off the floor carefully, making sure I could stand. I stood straight up, heading for the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror at the trail of blood that was slowly rolling down my face. I bent down to grab a washcloth that was under the sink. I turned the sink on, wetting the cloth. I wiped all the blood off my face, carefully avoiding the glass stuck in the wound.

I walk out of the bathroom, heading to the kitchen. I reached over the kitchen counter, reaching for my phone. I pulled my phone closer towards me, typing in my passcode to unlock it. I tapped the phone app, immediately going to one contact in particular; Niki's. She was always the one that bandaged my wounds, and I am so grateful she does.

Ring, Ring, Ring

"Hey Quackity! Do you need anything?" I heard the sweet voice that belonged to Niki ask.

"Same as usual. Can you meet me in Pogtopia?"

"Sure! Let me grab some things before leaving. I'll see you later!"  I heard shuffling on the other side before hearing the 'call ended' sound.

I grabbed my blue windbreaker before opening the door, and walking out. I didn't look back, walking head down on the path to Pogtopia. I was afraid of the consequences I would face if he found out I left. I came to the entrance, looking around before opening the door.

There were a few people downstairs. Those people were, Niki, Wilbur, Tommy, Fundy, and Tubbo. I got to the end of the stairs, immediately spotting Niki. I hugged her from behind, surprising her. She giggled and hugged me back as soon as she realized it was me. Her gaze drifted to my forehead.

She gave me a small smile. "Let's get that patched up?" I nodded and sat down, letting her do whatever was necessary to clean and bandage the wound.

Tubbo's POV
We were all discussing plans when I saw Quackity walk down the stairs. I waved to him, him waving back. He put his finger up to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. I nodded and turned back to the conversation. I giggled when Niki jumped. I looked at Quackitys forehead and noticed the glass stuck in it. I internally cringed seeing the blood.

'Wow. He must have it way worse than me.' I thought to myself as I traced the scar on my face from Techno.

Quackity POV
I walked over to Wilbur and whispered to him, "Come with me quickly?"

He nodded and stood up. He towered over me of course. I started walking alongside him.

"What did you want to tell me Quackity?" Wilbur turned his head, looking down on me. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"I really don't want to stay with Schlatt anymore..." He nodded, smiling at me. "So can I stay here permanently?" I looked up at Wilbur, hope in my eyes. He put his hand on his chin like he was thinking about something but immediately turned back to me. He pulled me into his long arms, hugging me.

"Of course you can! Welcome home Quackity!" He pulled me out of the hug, leading me back to the table.

"Everyone! Quackity is now staying with us permanently!" When he finished announcing, the room erupted in cheers. Wilbur turned to me once again, giving me a side hug.

"Welcome home Quackity." I smiled a genuine smile, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I'm home

I'm back! I caught up to my motivation. Anyway, I'm not sure if that was what the person that requested wanted. I liked this oneshot though. Anyways, thanks for reading!

{This was made on the 16th of January, 2021}

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