Interview Applications

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Your account cannot endorse discrimination of any minority

Stay professional during your interview. Direct quotes are a staple of journalism and, as this is a family friendly journal meant to spread positivity, it is asked that all applicants avoid the use of profanity or vulgar language whenever possible.

Interviews can be conducted through any of the following platforms:
•Wattpad PMs
•Discord PMs

All questions are optional to answer. If a question contains information you don't wish to disclose, please let the interviewer know.

Interviews contain a minimum of five questions and a maximum of ten questions. This varies from each applicant and no two interviews will be exactly the same.

Before the time of your interview, you must share this magazine on your message board. The best way to get noticed is to mention and follow this account Sun-Dancer

Not every applicant meeting the above terms will be approved. The acceptance of an application will also rely on the content of the applicant and form itself.

By filling out an application, you have agreed and consented to all of the above terms.


•Wattpad Username:
•Name of latest book:
•Do you have any completed work:
•Are you a new author:
•Why do you want to be interviewed:
•What platform are you most comfortable conducting your interview:
•How did you find this book:

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