Sentimental Value

483 26 8

Bubblegum POV

Staring at this shirt gave me a headache. I needed time to think what I'm going to do with it. I took a breathe and breathed in the scent of it. Ahh I love the smell of Marceline. It's like warm vanilla. Wait, what am I doing? I'm suppose to be her enemy or yet just despise her. We're too different. We're never going to be alike.

I was pondering my thought till I heard a tap on my window. It probably is just the tree, but the tapping happened again. I was wondering who or what it was. It couldn't be a person. Could it? The tapping kept on going till I finally decided to go to my window. As I inched closer, I can feel my heart beating. What if it was a burglar? Well any person would be stupid enough to climb a tower or anything a kingdom guarded with the top guards. Actually the guards was a lie. I have bananas protecting me for glob's sakes.

I went to my window and I was about to open it until a person came bursting through the window. I fell as the person bursted through and I smelled a scent of vanilla. I obviously knew who it was and I said, "What the glob Marceline?!?"

"Woah chill out PB."

"I can't chill out. You scared the living pink out of me!"

"Sorry PBs."

"And have you ever heard of a front door?"

"Well how can I get through when those stupid bananas won't even let me through?"

"Glob Marceline. Just next time tell me before."

"Well I can't because I have no connection to your kingdom whatsoever."

I was filled with anger and happiness. I was angry because Marceline almost scared me shitless but the happy part I don't get. Why was I so happy?

"Anyway PB. I was wondering, about that shirt."

Oh glob she wants the shirt.

"Oh, sorry Marceline. Here I'll give it to you."

I held out the shirt and waited till Marceline took it but she didn't. She just waved her hand and shook her head.

"Don't worry PB. You can keep it."

"I can?"

"Yeah,  I mean it's just a shirt. Nothing special."

Oh but Marceline it is special. Special to me. I looked at her puzzled then she said, "I mean if you don't want it I can take it back." And in an instant I snappe back, "No, I'll keep it. It has a lot of value to me. Plus I wear it sometimes as pajamas."

I could see Marceline blush. It's kinda obvious I mean she's pale like a blank piece of paper and seeing that shade of red on her really stands out.

"Well PB, you can have it. But you have to owe me something."

"Why would I have to owe you something if you offered?"

"Cause that's how I roll. Now deal or no deal?"

"Depends what the deal."

"Well Bonnible Bubblegum."

"Don't call me that."

"I'm going to call you Bonnie. Well Bonnie, I have something I need to solve. And it seems like you're my number one target."

"Ok, so what's that catch?"

"Simple, go on a date with me."

I stared at her with wide eyes and questioned, "Wait what?"

"It's nothing big. Just go on one date. That's all."

"For just your t shirt?"

"Yes, plus it's nothing serious."

Hmph nothing serious. Right. I kept pondering this thought until I finally said me answer, "Yes."


"Yes I'll go on a date with you. Just nothing serious okay?"

But before I can get an answer, Marceline was flying out of the window yelling, "No promises!"

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