The Heir (A Teen Titans BBRae story)

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Disclaimer: I do not own teen titans. I'm just a Ordinary Teenage Girl.*beastboy falls out of the closet* You didn't see anything.

In the Common room

It was only another ordinary day at Titans Tower When Beastboy got a fancy letter during mail call. Starfire just looked at it and handed it to him. When he noticed it, Robin, the ever-paranoid one said, "Wait a second Beastboy I wouldn't open that. It could be a trap." "You don't have to worry about it I know who it's from. It's from my Grandfather." With that Beastboy wadded up the letter and got up to throw it away, but before he could Cyborg stopped him, "If you know it's from your grandfather aren't you atleast gonna read it." "Nope" "And why not, Green Bean." Before Beastboy could answer him Cyborg opened it and started reading it out loud:

     Dearest Garfield Mark Logan,

You are hereby invited to the annual S.T.A.R. Labs anniversary party. Regardless of whether you went last year or not, you are still required to come as the heir of my most franchized company. I completely understand that you do not want to come, so as incentive your little sister, Abigail, is being held in a secret room inside my summer mansion. This is a Cordial event so by all means bring a date. It is Tonight at 8:00 P.M.


                                                                            Your Grandfather,

                                                                             Edward Gualtry

                                                                           Owner of  S.T.A.R. Labs

Suddenly Cyborgs one human eye went huge, "You're the Heir of S.T.A.R. Labs, how come you didn't tell us?" "you never asked." said Beastboy nonchanantly. "You have to go don't you?" Robin asked. "Yeah, I do." "Okay then take Raven with you as your date. Keep in touch." Robin then tapped Starfire on the shoulder and looked towards Raven. Starfire, Seeing this as a opportunity to give Raven a makeover, grabbed her and flew towards Raven's room.

"Dude, you know she'll kill me by the end of the night right?" Beastboy asked Robin. "Yeah, but you know you'll love it." With that Robin Walked away as well.

"Okay Green Bean, try to be civilized I'll be dropping You two lovebirds off by the front door." Cyborg smirked than ran away. Beastboy just shrugged and went to his room to get ready.

With Starfire and Raven

"Friend Raven I have found the perfect dress. Come try it on." Starfire orders. Raven Tries on the dress and says, "I don't know Starfire, I actually really like Beastboy, but me in this will just disgust him." Raven said looking down. "Nonsense," Starfire assured, "You look absolutely stunning. Are you forgetting that none of us are the same anymore. Cyborg isn't as insane, Robin spends more time with everyone, I understand Earth slang better, you, you have gotten even more beautiful, especially since you decided to let your hair grow longer. In fact is it not now past your shoulders, But Beastboy, He has gotten alot more muscular and taller and his hair is shaggier, but that's not the only way he's grown up he's no longer the little kid that would constantly be joking. He is very down-to -earth now. So I know for a fact he will love you in this dress." Raven, who was staring at Starfire speechless could only smile and nod. "Come, Friend Raven Let us do Your hair."

7:45 P.M.

Beastboy was in the garage with Cyborg and Robin waiting for Raven when Starfire comes in and announces, "She is coming." What Beastboy sees next makes his heart skip a beat. Raven comes in and she is wearing a black low-cut dress with thin halter-top straps and the skirt goes to about mid-thigh her hair is curled and is falling slighttly over her shoulders and she is wearing 3-inch black high heels and light make-up. Because of his recnt growth spurt Beastboy is still a few inches talling than raven even with her heels on.

"Beastboy walks up to Raven and says, "You look beautiful tonight."

And with that they get in the T-car so Cyborg can drive them to the party.

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