Chapter 23: The Royal Knights Exam (Part 5)

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Asta POV:

I'm sorry, Noelle. But to be completely honest, I'm not doing this just for you. I know this is selfish, but I'm gonna knock this guy down a peg. He's always gotten on my nerves, mocking both my dream and you. I refuse to acknowledge this guy. Right now, I'll start it, and she'll end it when they face off. I know she will humiliate him in the tournament. 

A crowd surrounds Solid and me as we pace around in circles, waiting for the other to attack. 

"What's wrong, peasant boy? Are you scared?"

"You love to hear yourself talk, don't you?" I say as I lunge forward. Solid opens his grimoire and launches a spell in my direction. However, I juke to the side and continue to charge at him. He throws more magic my way, but I dodge most of it and block others with my sword. Compared to a lot of the magic I've fought against, this is weak. I finally make my way up to him. When I'm this close, he won't be able to do anything. I firmly plant my left foot on the ground and rotate my torso, swinging my sword at full force. "Take this!" I get a clean hit on Solid with the flat side of my sword. The impact knocks him back several feet, and he lands on his back.  

All eyes are on Solid. The silent crowd is now murmuring. 

"Well, that was anti-climatic."

"The guy talked big, but I guess he was pretty weak."

"He was royalty, right?"

Finally, Solid barely makes his way to his feet. One hand lies across his stomach, latching onto the spot I hit, "you insolent peasant!" I don't respond with words. Instead, I ready my sword. However, Solid does not respond well to this, "you must think you're a hotshot or something, right?" He slowly walks over to me, but something about him seems off. His ki seems like it's completely changed. Now, it's something more sinister. 

"Apologize to Noelle!" I utter, trying to break this odd sensation. But he doesn't respond. Instead, he keeps walking over to me. Now, sweat begins to trickle down the side of my face. What's up with this guy? Unconsciously, I find myself taking steps back as he gets closer. He's like a completely different person. I grit my teeth at this newfound situation. I'm not supposed to be scared, so why can't I move forward?

"Asta," a voice from behind me calls, snapping me back into reality. I look back and see Noelle. She has tears in her eyes. That's right. I don't have time to be scared. I'm not doing this for just me. I'm also doing it for Noelle. And if it's for her, I can't half-ass this. Suddenly, my fighting spirit returns to me.

"Alright! Come at m-" before I can even finish my sentence, I'm met with a blow to the face. The impact knocks me back several feet, and my body rolls on the ground. What just happened?  

"Asta, are you okay!" Noelle shouts as she makes her way over to me. She kneels down and hoists my arms over her shoulder, acting as support to help bring me to my feet. As I stand up, I catch a glimpse of Solid, who has a smirk on his face. He opens his grimoire again and uses another spell. This time, it looks dangerous. The attack spells he was using before look unrefined, but now they look more intense. What possibly could've changed? 

"It's over now," he says while launching his final attack. However, before my body can even react, the blast stops mid-flight.

"I think that is enough for now," the Wizard King intervenes, "I figured I'd let you two argue for a bit, but I had no idea you would take it this far."

"S-Sorry Wizard King!" I get on my hands and knees as I plead for forgiveness. Solid, however, sucks his teeth. 

"If you two are that determined to fight each other, then it will have to be in the tournament. Although, given the tournament draw, that won't be possible immediately. So, I ask that you two wait."

"Don't worry about it, Wizard King," I turn around and face Noelle, putting my hand on her shoulder, "Noelle will definitely beat him in the next round for me!"

Solid breaks out into laughter after hearing what I said. So much so that he begins to tear up. "You think Noelle can beat me," he wipes the tears from his eyes, "how amusing." 

"She definitely can," I say with an angry expression on my face, "right, Noelle?"

Noelle, who has been quiet this entire time, takes a deep breath. She stays silent for a few seconds. But then, with newfound determination, she responds, "of course I will." 

The Wizard King smiles, "Well then, let us prepare for your match immediately!"

[Chapter 23 end]

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