Chapter 24: The Royal Knights Exam (Part 6)

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Noelle POV:

'You can do it, Noelle,' is the last thing I hear before I'm teleported down to the battlefield. Asta, he's always encouraging me. So, I'm going to win this for both of us.

"So let's come up with a plan," En says. 

"You two guard the crystal while I destroy theirs," says Yuno. 

"I'm okay with tha-"

"No," I interject, "I'll be the one to destroy it. I have a plan."

Yuno turns to face me, "and what kind of plan could that be," he says with an apparent attitude. 

"Well, my brother Solid will undoubtedly chase after me. So I highly doubt he'll cooperate with his team."

"Well, if he's going to chase you around, how about you go off and do your own thing? Just lead him away."

"I'm not going to do that. I have to destroy the crystal. Please."

"Yuno," En chimes in, "I think we can let her do it."

Yuno looks me in the eyes and sighs, "go for it then. On second thought, the crystal would be safest with me. So, let's see what you can do."

"Thank you," I say as I breathe a sigh of relief. 

En walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder, "good luck, Noelle."

Taken aback by this sudden gesture, I jump back a little, "oh um, thanks, En."

"Guys, above us!" Yuno says, drawing our attention to the skies. 

"They got here quicker than I thought they would," I say as the enemy team approaches us. "They used a combo spell to go faster than normal."

For the skies, I can hear a voice, "I'll wrap this up nice and quick," Solid charges up an attack spell, channeling the mana in the surrounding area.

"He has thick mana. This might be tough," En says worryingly. 

"Solid has never been this strong before. Ever since he fought with Asta, his mana has felt... different." It's like when we fought the elves at the water temple. But how is that possible?

"Take this!"Finally, Solid releases the blast of magic he had been charging.

"Water magic: Sea Dragon's Lair!" a powerful torrent of water surrounds the area, protecting my team and the crystal. "This should buy us a little time."

"Good work, Noelle! By the way, I was able to see that they didn't bring their crystal along," En begins, "meaning if Noelle can sneak out of here, she can go destroy their crystal. I can stay behind and support you, Yuno."

"Sounds like a plan. Noelle, I'll lend you my wind to take you to their crystal." Yuno says as he uses his wind magic to lift me into the air. "You better not fail."

"I won't," I say as I fly out of the barrier, making my way to the other side of the battlefield. And just like I expected, Solid begins to chase after me.

"Where are you running, Noelle," He says as he chases me, "You don't think you'll get away, will you?" 

From behind me, Solid begins to shoot blasts of water. Each blast is powerful and takes full concentration to dodge. Solid is completely different from normal. His magic is more refined. Suddenly doubt begins to fill my mind. Will I be able to beat him now? No- I shouldn't be thinking that right now. I have to win here, to fight Asta in the finals. Yes, I will win here. No matter what. 

I go down to the ground, and Solid follows me. I land and face the sky, watching Solid as he lands as well. 

"I see you decided to stop running, Noelle. You must have accepted your fate. You'll lose here. You'll be crushed pathetically!" Solid launches another attack, more powerful than the last.

"Water magic: Sea Dragon's Cradle!" 

His attack hits my defense spell, bursting, and doesn't leave a scratch.

"I see you've gotten good at defensive spells. But that looks like that all you can do!" He sends more spells flying at my defenses, "I'll break through eventually, Noelle. What will you do then?"

"I'm going to beat you!"

Solid laughs, "That isn't possible, Noelle. Stop being stupid. What makes you think you have the power to do that. You're weak! You always have been!"

I stop Sea Dragons Cradle. The water from the spell rains down on me, "you're wrong Solid. I was weak," I hold up my wand and point it right at Solid. 

"Oh, you think pointing that stick at me will do anything? I'd love to see you try it."

"Are you sure about that, Solid? I blew somebody's arm off with this spell. And he was a hell of a lot stronger than you."

Furious, Solid launches water magic at me. But I make no effort to dodge. Instead, I let it hit me. The blunt force from the magic launches me back several feet, and my body rolls on the ground, out of control. 

"Do you like that, Noelle! That's the difference in our power. Now, lie there in pain and take what's coming to you."

Solid launches spell after spell, each launching me back further and further. Blood begins to soak through my clothes, and my body begins to ache. And finally, the barrage of spells end. My ears are ringing, and my vision is tinted red due to the amount of blood in my eyes. I hear a voice talking. It's most likely Solid. I can't hear anything he's saying, but I hear something that sounds like footsteps. I look up from the ground and see him walking closer to me. 

Solid finally reaches me and squats down, "you know, Noelle, I was expecting more. I don't know why. But, this was honestly pathetic." He sighs and is about to get up, but I mutter something, which causes him to get closer to my face. "What did you say?"

"I said 'you idiot!'" In one quick motion, I punch Solid in the face, taking him by surprise. Solid falls back, landing on his butt. He holds his hand against the cheek I punched, "So you do have some fight in you."

I slowly stand up and point my wand at him once more. Blood drips from my head, and my body trembles from the pain. "Solid, I'm done giving you freebies. It's my turn now!"

"You little! Water magic: Serpent's Fang!"

"Water magic: Sea Dragon's Roar!"

Our spells clash in a deadlock, causing intense winds in the surrounding area.

"When did you learn an attack spell this! This isn't anything like you. You shouldn't be able to use magic this powerful!" 

"Solid, while you were lounging around in the Silver Eagles, I was risking my life, around with my friends. I was training and getting stronger, along with everyone." My spell slowly starts to overtake his, pushing him down onto his knees. "I'm not the same weak little girl I was. Ever since joining the Black Bulls- ever since meeting Asta, I've changed. And it's about time that you change too." 

Sea Dragon's Roar completely overtakes his spell, launching him into the air. After several seconds, his body hits the ground in a loud thud, kicking up the surrounding dust. I walk over to his body and stoop down next to him. He's out cold. I stand back up and focus my attention on the nearby hill. Over it was their crystal. I saw it when I was up in the sky. I make my way over while my vision fades in and out. I will make it.

I trudge over the hill and find their crystal unguarded. I point my wand at it and shoot a water ball right at it—the crystal shatters, cementing my team's victory. I hear the distant cheers of the spectators on the wall. My legs give in, and my vision fades to black. Asta, I did it. 

[Chapter 24 end]

{Author's notes: MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!! No matter what you celebrate, I hope your day has been amazing, and you were able to spend it with your friends and or family.}

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