Chapter 12: Star Festival (Arc finale)

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[It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called the wizard king, and he became a legend.]

Noelle POV:

After parting ways with Emma and her mother, we walk around the festival once more. Asta and I walk hand in hand. I'm starting to get more comfortable holding his hand in front of others. However, Kahono has been a little too enthusiastic about it. She seemed ecstatic when she found out Asta, and I are dating. I guess that means she supports us. As we walk, I feel someone tap my shoulder. As all four of us walk, we point out different things around the festival. We go to different stalls and eat all kinds of foods. This is the first time I've ever hung out with friends my own age. It's so much fun. I can feel happiness well up inside of me. I never thought that I'd have a day like this. I'm so happy. 

After we walk around for about two hours, we find a place to sit down. I sit down next to Asta, and Kahono and Kiato sit across from us. 

"Today has been so much fun. I'm glad you invited us, Asta," Kiato says with a smile on his face.

"No problem! I'm glad you were able to join us. The more, the merrier."

Asta and Kiato continue their conversation, but I tune them out when Kahono says something to me.

"I'm happy for you, Noelle. You were able to be honest with yourself," she says as she leans her elbows onto the table and rests her head on her hands. She smiles, "I'm sure Asta will treat you great."

 I can feel myself start to blush from embarrassment. "Thanks, Kahono. I think he will too. I'll be sure to make him happy as well."

"That's the spirit, Noelle!" Kahono says as she rises from her seat. "Let's go, Kiato! We can't bother them on their date anymore." She grabs Kiato by the arm and pulls him up. "We'll see you guys another time. It's been a lot of fun!"

"Heading out already?" Asta says, raising from his chair.

"Haha yeah, we don't want to interrupt your date anymore," Kahono responds playfully.

"Well, make sure you guys visit us sometime."

"You too," Kiato chimes in, "you're always welcome at the Sea Temple.

Asta walks over to Kiato and gives him a fist bump, "You bet." The two give each other a smile and back away. I then walk over to Kahono and hug her.

"I see you sometime soon."

Returning my hug, Kahono responds, "Of course." 

I try to back away, but Kahono doesn't let me go.

"Uh, Kahono?"

"Kahono leans in closer to me and whispers in my ear, "so have you two kissed yet?"

"I-I-I.. uh," my brain shuts down, and I can't find a way to respond. Kahono finally lets go of me and backs away.

"You're so cute, Noelle," she says with a smirk on her face, "tell me all about it next time."

And just like that, Kahono and Kiato make their leave. Today was so much fun. I got to spend it with some of my favorite people. I can't wait to do this again. 

"So, what do you want to do now, Noelle?"

"I'm not sure we've pretty much done everything."

I start to notice that many people start walking towards the center of the royal capital.

"That's right! The Wizard King will be announcing the squad rankings soon." I say out loud.

"So that's what this crowd if for." Asta pauses and watches as the swarm of people pass by. He then reaches his hand out towards me, "let's go check it out."

I slowly reach for his hand and grab onto it. As soon as we make contact, he latches tightly onto my hand and pulls me along. We make it to the square, and it is very crowded. A large stage is set up, and the Wizard King is standing on top. The crowd is cheering for him and going crazy.

"Hello, citizens of the Clover Kingdom. I hope you're all having a magnificent time at the festival today," the crowd roars and the Wizard King stops what he's saying. When the roars die down, he resumes again, "as you know, our kingdom has been the target of violent terrorist attacks, and we were debating whether or not to hold the festival. But I believe this time of peace and relaxation was necessary, so I'm glad you're all able to enjoy it. Also, it's time to give recognition to all the Magic Knights who work so hard for our kingdom. So I welcome your Magic Knight Captains."

The captains all file onto the stage as they do, the crowd cheers ecstatically for them. Finally, all captains are on the stage. However, Captain Yami and Charlotte of the Blue Rose Knights are missing. I wonder what happened to them. 

"Now everyone, I would like to announce this year's magic knight squad rankings. In first place," The Wizard King pauses, "The Golden Dawn!"

The crowd goes wild, and to no surprise, The Golden is first again. The squad is full of elite nobles and royals. 

"The Golden Dawn is in the lead with 172 stars. They have done a spectacular job, but one, in particular, is making a name for himself. So far, he's collected the most by far. Yuno, please join me on the stage."

Woah Asta's friend is a big shot. I look over to Asta, and his eyes are glowing.

"GREAT JOB YUNO," Asta shouts, adding to the crowd's frenzy.

"I guess he is pretty good," I respond.

"Heck yeah! He's my rival. But I swear I'm not gonna lose to him," Asta smiles and clenches his fists. 

When the crowd's noise dies down, the Wizard King begins again, "Now, for our second-place team," He pauses once again, "The Black Bulls!"

WHAT THE HECK! I turn towards Asta, with shock written all over my face, "d-did I hear that, right? We, The Black Bulls, got second place?"


The crowd also reacts with confusion.

"The Black Bulls?"

"That's the squad full of ruffians, isn't it?"

"They must've cheated or bribed someone."

Finally, the Wizard King cuts in, stopping their gossip, "I can understand your confusion. The absolute worst Magic Knight squad in history in second? But, it would seem things are different this year. They've accumulated 141 stars and have been working hard." The Wizard King pauses and looks around. "Is anyone from the Black Bulls here?"

Immediately, I look at Asta. He's obviously the one he's talking about. Asta's name is written all over the stage. "Asta, let me give you a boost with my water magic onto the stage."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course," I respond as I pull out my wand. I stand behind him and blast him with magic. I send him flying onto the stand, and he sticks the landing perfectly. Now he's up there with his rival. He looks happy. I know just how hard Asta has worked, so this is his moment. But I swear I will catch up to him so I can continue to fight by his side. 

[Chapter 12 end]

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