~crush ♡ giyushino

286 12 18

no, I'm not dead

-modern au ft. Inoaoi and Sanekane 😩😩😩


But you ain't my boyfriend, I ain't your girlfriend...

Shinobu stared at her bedroom ceiling. Her earbuds were stuffed in her ears, the song Boyfriend by Ariana Grande blasting a little louder than was healthy. She was having one of those peculiar moments when she related so strongly to a song that she just couldn't stop listening to it, and - somehow - she didn't get sick of it. She sighed as she switched positions, (a/n: switching the positions for youUuUUu) her back starting to ache from laying on it too long.

Now, back to her dilemma. The poor girl was suffering from what one would normally call a crush, but Shinobu preferred to call it an embarrassing phase of infatuation that would thankfully pass very soon. The "unfortunate" boy in question that her heart was held by was none other than Tomioka Giyuu, the quietest, most infuriating, most distant boy at her school. Needless to say, Shinobu felt quite at a disadvantage in regards to the fact that most of her fellow schoolgirls were after the very same lad. But, in reality, she had the largest advantage over all of these contenders, although she knew it not. Her advantage was that the coveted Giyuu never noticed any of these girls aside from, as one would rightly assume, herself. Therefore, most of the time she spent wondering whether he liked her or not was wasted.

When push comes to shove, then baby, I'm a trainwreck, too...

Shinobu kept replaying one particular memory in her head over and over, which was her last run in with the boy in question. She had been putting on her shoes to leave school for the day, when her bookbag slipped from her shoulder and hit the floor, exploding supplies everywhere. She had bitten back a curse word as she abandoned her half tied shoe, quickly kneeling down to snatch up her things.

As she was miserably failing to clean up as fast as possible, large, lean hands had taken the heavy books that she had nestled in the crook of her arm. Shinobu followed them up, her eyes landing on the bottomless blue pits that were Tomioka Giyuu's eyes. Her breath had hitched.

"Tomioka-san," Shinobu had chirped sweetly, feeling anything but sweet at that moment. "I can carry my own books, you know~!" She tried to ignore the scent of his aftershave that followed him everywhere, which was clean and crisp - not unlike a fresh pool on a hot summer day, in a pleasant way.

He hadn't answered, instead kneeling down across from her and helping pick up her mess of school supplies. Shinobu had decided not to comment on it and continued gathering her things, mentally groaning at the fact that she would have to reorganize all the papers when she got home later. When they had finally finished stuffing everything back in her bag, Giyuu had stood and silently offered her his hand. She had taken it.

HAJWDIAKDJNSIWJF HE'S HOLDING MY HAND, Shinobu had thought frantically, her face betraying nothing. As she was standing up, her foot had caught on her loose shoelaces and she had lurched forward with a yelp, straight into Giyuu. Thankfully, she was light and he was heavy, so it had barely phased him, and he had swiftly moved to catch her. She could feel her stomach turning with embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, Tomioka-san-!" Shinobu looked up at him, the apologies spilling out of her mouth cutting off as she realized how close their faces were. She had never seen him this close before. His scent... his eyes.... why was he looking at her like that?

"Kocho, are you alright? You're really hot."


Shinobu was shocked for a moment before she realized that he had meant that her face was red, but she took the chance to tease him immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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