Chapter 17 - Navigators

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When watching a murder documentary, interrogation is the scene I love the most. But now that I'm doing it myself, it's not that enjoyable.

Seeing and experiencing it in person hits you differently, especially if you're torturing the person in order to expose the truths and lies.

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"If you cooperate, then I'll promise to end your life with a bullet."

He stared for a few seconds before opening his mouth. "Are you sure you don't want to change your mind and spare my life? I might be usefu—"

"No, and don't make me repeat myself." I interjected.

"Fine. I guess I'd rather have a bullet in my head than get eaten alive by that thing over there," he chuckles as he looks at Rachelle and Zack, who are holding the captured infected.

I put my gun away and looked into his eyes. "Quit playing around. Let me ask again, who sent you?"

He shrugged and remained silent for a few seconds. "Navigators... those people sent me here," he replied.

Navigators? I only heard of them from Zack. No one ever told me anything about them.

"I knew it. No wonder why there's a party of infected out there." David said in the corner.

"It looks like they already know where our camp is, but how?" Zack wondered.

"Wait, you all remember those two who attacked us at Zack's mask ceremony, right? They may have a connection to that group and revealed our location." Miya reminded.

She's right. That would be the only reason.

"Hey! Do you know a man and a woman named Shane and Ken?" Zack asked.

"I don't know anyone with those names," the guy replied.

We all stared at him to confirm whether he was telling the truth.

"Look, I'm cooperating all right? I swear I don't know any person named Shane or Ken."

"He's lying. Let's just feed him to this infected." Zack suggested.

"You people had some serious trust issues! I'm telling you the truth!"

"Blah blah blah, Cyra, give us a signal, and we'll let this infected gobble him up," he insisted.

"No, I'm pretty sure he's not the type of person who would lie in this kind of situation."

The guy let out a laugh and smirked. "Listen to this woman. She knows her stuff. By the way, what's your name again? Cyra? I love the way you glare at me."

What a creep...

"Where are your friends?" David asked.

"Oh, you mean those Navigators? I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know? You're clearly with them."

He sighed and took a deep breath. "Look, I'm not one of them. I have my own group. Well, you probably heard of us since we're pretty popular around here doing shits and stuff. I believe everyone calls us bandits nowadays. We like that."


The room went silent after hearing what he said. I glanced at Zack and saw him staring at the man intently.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" the guy asked.

Steve died because of the bandits, and this person is one of them.

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