{{Chapter 1}}

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It was a beautiful day here at the town called "Boiling Isles", Flowers were blooming, birds were chirping, and everyone looks civilized as usual. But among the crowd filling the streets, there was one brown hair teen that stood amongst those who watched her. 

She was dancing and following the rhythm of the music beating in her earphones. It was clear that she enjoyed every bit of it as she dashed across the sidewalk, snapping and twirling a few times when the beat drops. 

As usual, the crowd surrounding her only started and laughed at her while others admired her footwork as well as her smooth moves. 

But for the confident teen, she didn't care what others thought of her. She usually gets anxious and nervous whenever other people watch her dance. But for her, today was special, she felt confident for the first time. 

She continued walking in her direction, waving a hand to greet some of the street kids who played soccer in the park. For the girl, seeing others smile is what boosts her confidence and joy.

After a few minutes of walking, she finally stomped her foot in the second of the last beat in her music to fit the timing. She then removed her headphones and looked up to the tall building in front of her. 

Grinning, she slowly brushed her hair backward as few teens wearing the same uniform walked past her. 

"This is it, Luz. Your dream school, Hexside Academy, home to the "Hexide's witches" underdogs. " She chuckled to herself, still being mesmerized by the view of the campus. 

The teen then looked around the front of the campus. There she saw multiple separated groups. Others were singing, some were playing soccer around the field, while others did their personal doings. 

Luz smirked. "Hm, I guess this was the course system Mama Camilia told me about." Luz started. "I wonder, where is my future club at?" 

But before she could take her first step into the campus, she felt her instincts drop in when she heard someone shouting behind her. 

"Crap we're late!" a female voice nervously shouted from behind. 

With Luz's quick thinking, she quickly dashed to her right to avoid getting hit by the running teen. 

There the brown hair teen saw that the panicking female voice had a pink varsity jacket with the word "Banshees" printed at the back. 

"Watch where you're going, nerd!" She shouted as soon as she passed Luz. 

The freshman stayed in her position, unable to think of a response to the girl rushing inside the campus' building. 

Instead, she only sighed and chuckled, relieved that she managed to dodge that pink-haired teen before they both come into contact. 

When suddenly, another voice was heard shouting from the back. But this time, Luz wasn't able to react to it.

"Get out of the way-" The running teen managed to shout before she bumped into Luz, making both of them fall. 

The freshman grunted, picking up her fallen phone then switching her attention to the girl who bumped into her. 

It shows that the girl was also wearing the same jacket like the one from before. Aside from that, the girl had two-toned aquamarine-colored hair with brown color from her roots. 

Luz quickly stood up, looking down at the fallen teen. She reached out a hand to her and smiled. "Are you okay? Are you-" 

But before she could even finish her question, the fallen teen quickly slapped her hand away and stood up. 

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