Chapter 3: Meet Grayson Part 2

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Bella POV

I looked at him with the corner of my eye.

'That's Richard Grayson. The mathematician in this school and the jock. This might be interesting.' I smirked, but stopped onto my heels and walk toward them. Now if you are wondering why, it is because my school guide, Barbara Gordon, is going to show me around. Not that I already know the whole landscape of the school, but her family and relationship with people is interesting. Plus I could really use a nice friend in this HUGE school. Emphasize, HUGE.

"Um excuse me," I smiled," Are you Barbara Gordon?"

"Yes I am. Are you by any chance Bella Knightrose?" She smiled.

"Yup," I cocked my head to the left.

"Nice to meet you. This is my friend Richard Grayson." Barbara pointed.

"Call me Dick," Dick smirked.

I laughed. "Nice name." I continued to laugh.

"Thanks," He smiled. Shit, that smile is cute.

"Can we get started with the tour, not to be pushy or anything." I smiled to them.

"Yeah sure, but can we see your classes?" Barbara asked.

"Um, yeah sure," I looked inside my bag. I pulled it out and gave it to them.

"Eh? That's weird. We have all the same classes." Dick look at the paper, confused.

"Yeah. That IS weird." Barbara also looked at my paper. "I wonder why?"

Okay, so my classes are:

HR. Ms.Kim

Per 1. Advance Math: Mr.Matthew

Per 2. Advance Science: Mr.Jong

Per 3. Advance Art: Mrs.Peterson


Per 4. PE: Mr.Ortiz

Per 5. Advance English:Ms.Jordon

Per 6. Advance History:Mrs.White

"Okay then, let's go." Barbara gave me back my paper. "Oh Dick, are you coming?"

Sorry everyone for not updating.
I had to be an older cousin and take care of someone.

The Girl With Powers: Young Justice FanFiction (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora