5. Slip-up

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CW: Mentions of blood and minor injuries


"So.... let me get this straight. You're a prince?"

"Yes," Sidon replies with a chuckle, "yes I am."

He's spent the last half hour or so explaining his people and where he came from. As he did, the two of you had gotten comfortable in the alcove filled with blankets and cushions. Clearly, it was made for one being in mind, this being Sidon, meaning the two of you were somewhat squished together as you sat.

Neither of you seemed to mind though, if anything it only slightly flustered you to be pressed so close to him.

"So you're a prince of a species called the Zora," you continue, and he nods, "your father is named Dorephan and he's king, your sister is Princess Mipha, your best friend is named Bazz and he was the captain of the guard. You come from a place called Zora's Domain which is your... kingdom? And it's like an underwater utopia, or at least that's how you describe it. Not all Zora look like you, you say that you're closest to what we know a hammerhead shark to be, but there's Zora who resemble rays and other sharks and various fish.

"Did I get that right?" you ask at the end once you've recounted everything he's explained.

He smiles down at you, "for the most part, yes. Quite the memory you've got on you, young one."

"I try," you reply teasingly, sticking out your tongue, "so, is there anything else you can teach me about the Zora?"

"Well of course," he nods, "there's swaths of history I can recount. Being the prince, as a child I was taught nearly every ounce of our rich culture. Muzu said that as prince it would be my duty to help educate future generations on our people and ways of life."

"Muzu?" you reply curiously.

"My father's most trusted advisor. He led the council and was the king's 'right hand man' as you may refer to it," Sidon explains, "he was also my sister and I's main teacher during our childhoods."

You let out a small laugh, causing the prince to quirk his brow at you. "What amuses you, little human?"

"It's just... well I dunno, I never expected to meet any kind of royalty in my life, let alone one of your stature. I just expected that I'd be another cog in the capitalism machine, I'd get a job once I finish community college, work tireless days, go home to eat stale food, sleep, repeat that daily cycle until one day I end up kicking the bucket, having done nothing to improve society as a whole," you ramble on, noticing Sidon's look of concern as you switch gears, "but, here I am, speaking privately with a prince- one who, might I add, isn't even the same species as I am. Definitely not the direction I imagined my life going in, but I'm certainly not complaining. You're certainly far more fascinating than anything I could've even come up with in my wildest dreams."

Sidon grins at this, "you think me fascinating, little one?"

A light blush dusts your cheeks as you nod your head, "well, yeah. You're a prince from a far away place I probably wouldn't be able to picture in my head even if you described every little detail to me. You're a prince, you're a warrior, indescribably fast in the water, educated, charming, deeply prideful in your heritage and people. You're an enigma to the people in town yet actually speaking to you you're witty and kind, and quite good at banter I may add."

He chuckles, intrigued by your small speech. "Ah, so you think I'm charming, is that so?"

Your face gets even warmer as you stammer out, "s-shush, I was just flattering you, fish sticks."

This pulls an even louder laugh out of the Zora prince and stubbornly, you stand up and walk away from the small and cozy nook, heading to the where the rocks of the cave dropped off into water. Sitting on the edge, you dip your legs into the cool water, crossing your arms and pouting your lips out, feigning upset at the prince's teasing.

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