Chapter 9

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The Battle...

   It was here. The day of the Battle is here and I am nervous. Too nervous. I am shaking in my shoes and chilled to my core. And keeping my block up in my mind is taking away way more energy than what I want to lose right now.

Take the block down...

   I heard a small whisper, which I almost missed.

Ugh. Fine...

   Thinking that, I took it down.

Finally. I heard the cocky voice say.

Nice to know you are so desperate to talk with me.

I know you want me equally Evangeline, I'll just let you decide when n where.

   I could hear all the suggestions he was making in his voice. Is that even possible?

Ugh. Go away.

No babe. Too busy fantasizing about you...

   I don't even know how to answer to that. I then heard a chuckle. He laughed on that! The nerve!

Why? Why out of 7 billion people, did you choose me?

Hey, I might just be one of the occasional stalker...

Might? I thought smirking.

Okay, so what if I am? I am yours babe.

   Good lord, I can practically hear the wink in his voice!

Don't call me that. I am no 'babe'.

Then what should I call you, you choose- Baby, Sweetheart, Pumkin, Princess, Sweetie, Honey, Sweetie-pie, Cutie-pie, I have many more. Want more suggestions?

No thanks. That many are enough.

Okay then, choose. I heard his smirk. This guy really knows how to potray his expressions in his voice.

I know. Thanks. Now choose.

How about-

"Evangeline Evans!"

   That snapped me out of my trance. And also brought my anxiety back.

Don't worry. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. And if anything does go wrong, well then, you're in some deep sh*t. I heard his teasing tone in my mind. Successfully calming me. Then it hit me.

   He kept me distracted for all this time.

Thanks Mr. Jerk. I thought, smilling.

You're always welcome babe.

   And there he goes again...


   I walked onto the stage. Slightly shaking, but not that much thanks to a certain someone. The stage was huge. The Battle was to be done in the auditorium, ofcourse the stage was big. On the three chairs directly in front of the stage was the principle and next to her were sitting the legendaries.

   The legendaries were the seers which had the most powerful extra talents. The principle was one of them.

   Everything was set. From the camera behind the red silk curtains on either side of the stage for future reference to the spotlight shining on me, making me practically blind to anything else that was inside this dark murky scented place. I was handed a mic when I reached the big X in the middle of the stage.

"Welcome Evangeline.", said the principle, her voice booming throughout the whole auditorium without the use of a mic. Her voice, layered with power, authority and something that I just could not place.

"Goodmorning mam and sirs.", I said, giving them the compulsary curtesy.

"What extra talent do you have?", she asked.

"Elemental fire, ma'am.", I answered.

"Oh, I thought so. Being an Evan, you must have a common talent.", she said.

   It took all my power not to just let my jaw drop at her comment.

"Very well, lets get this finished with. Start with the presentation."

   I did as she asked. Andrew and Brandon had told me not to use my full stregnth. I would not be able to control it. So I listened to them.

   I progected a basketball sized ball of fire and looked up to the authorities.

"Com'on. The least powerful seer can do that! Do something more!", said the principle.


   I heard him in my mind...

   But as if I had no control over my own self, the ball of fire grew. As big as a decoration piece. A big one. The room started becoming more hot by the second. The flicks of the fire started coming in contact with the ends of the fabric on the top of the stage.

"Bigger Evangeline... I know you can do it.", her voice turning into an un-ignorable buzz in my ears.

Bigger... Bigger... Bigger... Bigger..

Evangeline! No!

   But it was too late. I lost the little control I had. Along with my conciousness. The last thing I heared before I was engulfed by the comfortable blackness was a soft whisper...

I am coming Anne. And I am coming to take you...


Hey guys!! :)

How are you all? Welcome Laila, our newest fellow reader. :)

This time I tried a little more discription than my other chapters. Tell me wat u guys think of it. :)

Annnnnnd... Dun Dun Dun! Evangeline fainted! Well, wats new in that? Or little Angie tends to lean a little towards the dainty side. But still, wats gonna happen next? Well, I cant tell you now, can I? But I can promise you, that you guys will love the next coming chapters. That when the real story starts. Once thats revieled i will really need ur opinion about something. Which I am not telling just now. So be prepared, coz u have a question or two coming at you along with the next two chapters by the next two weeks max.

So have fun, explore and enjoy each and every moment of your lives. (just had to put it in there ya know?) Meet ya guys again later this week!!!

Hoping to get some chocolate,


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