sometimes all i think about is you

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(written in fahrenheit because i am very american)
(inspired by Heat Waves by Glass Animals)

She felt miserable as she found herself tossing and turning in her bed, feeling sweat stick the tank top and shorts stick to her like a second skin. It was uncomfortable, she was uncomfortable. She didn't even know why she tried to fall asleep in the first place when she was going to just think with her eyes closed. Eyes fluttering under heavy lids.

Maybe it was the thick duvet that made her so warm. It was disappointing when she just felt hotter. The once cool air had turned lukewarm and suffocating. It had to be at least a million degrees in her room.

If she was going to be up, she might as well get out of the hell hole that was her room. Grabbing her phone from the charger, she noticed it hadn't been charging since about one or so in the morning. Her alarm clock wasn't on either, the blinding white lettering had been replaced with faint light showing outlines of eights. The power must've gone out. It was only a quarter past two. In the morning. This was going to be the longest day of her life.

Angrily, she unplugged her phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it on the ceiling fan above her. It wasn't spinning. As if it'd do something. The small fan on the floor wasn't on either. Neither the soothing sound of the A/C.

There was no way she could've blown a fuse in the middle of the night—actually, probably—or the power was actually out. Both were equally terrible. And her A/C was broken, or, at least, it had to be. Amazing. Absolutely stellar. And, of course, the entire state of Georgia had the strongest heat front in a couple years when it happened. Temperatures broke a hundred and twenty mid mornings, taunting anyone who dared go outside.

Everyone was forced to wait it out.

She peeled off the blue tank top and wiped her face with it. She was going to have to shower in the dark as the sun wasn't going to rise for another couple hours. While the sun was down though, she made her way to the balcony. It was much cooler than inside her house, about ten or so degree difference. She'd have to shower when the sun rose, just to bake inside her house afterward.

Yesterday was more bearable since the power was on to at least put her fans to use. There was speculation about the length of the front, but it was too long for anyone to guess. Maybe she could call a friend to see if they were up because of the heat like she was.

Leaning against the white railing of her second story bedroom, her mind gradually wandered go if he was awake. It was two o'clock in the morning. He wouldn't be up unless he was doing paperwork. Would he even want to talk to her?

No, no he wouldn't. And that's... that's fine. Not everything needed to be about her. They drifted and it's alright. Right? It should be, but she mis- no, she doesn't miss him. She doesn't.

Rubbing her hands along her face, she sighed heavily. She shouldn't even be thinking of him at the moment. Today, even if it was just a few more hours until sunrise, was going to be long.

She needed more sleep, but she just couldn't. Her eyes would shut and she would feel tired, but she just couldn't drift off. The overwhelming feeling of humidity and thick air was too much.

Sitting down on one of the chairs facing the streets, she propped her feet up on the railing, staring at the lock screen of her phone.

Maybe she should call him. It's not like he'd be up.

Rationalizing with herself was hopeless as it was stupid, and time consuming.

It definitely did not take ten minutes of looking at the skyline to decide whether or not to call. Definitely not.

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