3 • Special Guests

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"Ugh, what a meeting." I groan at my office desk. It's spacious and large. I am the CEO of Vox Industries and manager of Vox Tower, why wouldn't I have one of the largest rooms?

'Knock. Knock.'

Vox slowly opens the door as he grabs my attention. "Vatchel, the boss is here to see you!" My secretary reports through my desk phone.

"Thanks, I can see that." I respond.

Leaning back into my chair, I cross my arms and rest my legs at the edge of the desk. "What is it now, Vox?"

Vox walks over, hands in his pockets while eyeing things in my room. "Nothing much. I just wanted to see my favourite employee~!" He cooed at me, making it to my desk.

"Favourite? Oh, I'm charmed." I smirk with a dead tone.

Vox moves behind my chair as we start to discuss about latest games and internet sensations like memes and celebrities. He rests his head at the top of my chair.

Unaware, Vox slides his hands onto my chair's arm rests. "Yeah, that's funny!" I chuckle. "I should get going. My shift ended like..." I check my watch. "5 minutes ago."

"Oh yeah, I wanted talk to you about your stream tonight!" I looked up towards Vox. "What about it?"

"So, I was wondering how you'd feel if I joined your stream..."

"Oh I'm fine with that-"

"...with Valentino and Velvet?" His confident tone turns into uncertainty as he waited for my reaction.

"Oh...I mean that's fine as well. Do they know how play?"

"I already showed them. They know how to play."

"In that case, I don't mind a few 'special' guests!" I shrugged it off.

"See you online!" Vox said jolting out the door. I waved back as I got ready to leave for the night.

•°During Vatchel's stream°•

'MothPimp has joined the game. RadVelvetCakes had joined the game. Voxtagram_8k has joined the game.'

"Ey! They're here!" I shouted, awakening my chat as I witnessed them burst in excitement.

The other streamers introduced each of themselves on the call using all their unique greetings and catchphrases.

"I'm Vat. The only good streamer here, obviously!" I stated.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm a good streamer...I promise!" A male streamer said quietly.

"Oi Vat!" A male streamer screams with an accent.

"Yeah, what is it-"


I let out a ridiculously loud laugh and slam my hand onto my desk. My infectious giggling spreads to the rest of the streamers, Velvet and Vox. I wouldn't expect Valentino to understand honestly.

"This is gonna be one long fucking night, boys!" Another male streamer chuckles.

"Hey!" The female streamer interrupts.

"Sorry, and titties!" He corrects himself.

The laughter continues as more insults and jokes are shared throughout the night.

•°1 hours later°•

Daust and I fly above the other players, plotting and sharing ideas to torment them. We travel more throughout the game and come across Vox, Velvet and Valentino talking to another streamer.

We both land behind the streamer and cough to catch their attention. They turn around shocked and confused.

"Hi!" Daust says before stabbing them with a fatal weapon. We all witnessed the streamer despawn and turned back to the 3 V's.

"So how are we going?" Daust asked with enthusiasm as Velvet began to laugh.

"Lmao! Rest in peace, my guy." Velvet yelled.

"Yeah, everything's good. Killed and looted a few other players bases!" Vox explained.

"I wanna go back to the strip club. It's the only good thing in this dumb fucking game!" Valentino groaned.

"Women." Daust stated.

"She gets it." Valentino adds on as Daust nods her head.

As I change my outfit in the game, I tell them about our plans, "Well if everything's good, Daust and I have some bugs to plant for offline streamers find. So see y'all later!"

I switched my outfit to something more revealing as Daust changed her into a suit. My character wore an all pink outfit; a crop top, an extra short skirt, thigh high socks, big boots and a pink wig.

"Cute!" Velvet shouted. Vox was silent staring below my torso until Valentino spoke. "Maybe I don't need to go to the strip club after all~"

"Anyways, see yous!" Daust and I fly away into the sky, off on out mission.

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