1 • Night Stream

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"Alright, boys! I think it's time we set this place loose!" I shouted into the mic. I watched my audience burst through the chat, filled with excitement.

The boys and I were playing a competitive game against the girls and tension was being built. Donators started to join in as well, enjoying my streams and wanting more.

"Oi Vat! Did you hear about the Stolas cunt? Fucked an imp is what I heard!"

"Deadass?" I responded, chuckling.

"Yeah! Heard the queen fucking lost it! Funny shit!"

We're both interrupted by a random loud noise in the stream that makes us both laugh. As soon as it became quiet and there was same chatter amongst the boys, I heard my doorbell go off.

"Hold on. I got someone ringing my door." I said.

"Is it the pizza man?" One of them shouted.

"It better be the fucking pizza man!" I yelled, causing them all to laugh as I exited the room.

I make my way up the stairs to the hallway in my house. My house is pretty big. 3 stories, one underground, one middle and one on top. My stream set up is underground since it's so nice and cool down there.

Before I reach the door, I'm greeted by my gorgeous dogs! "Hey there, girls! I just got open the door to see the pizza man!" I say on my knees with a goofy voice. I see them wag their tails and jog in circles as I opened the door.

"Dude, you have no fucking idea how long I've been waiting for you. It's been...oh." I suddenly realise that I wasn't talking to the pizza man.

"Hey, Chilli!" Vox coos. Chilli is a nickname he gave me, taken from the ending of my name and my attitude.

"Hey, Vox." I say, leaning on my doorframe with my arms crossed. "What's up?"

"Not much but I'm wondering if you could do me a favour?" I noticed Vox's left arm was tugging something but I couldn't see it because my door was in the way. I leaned a bit more further and realised who it was.

"Oh, hey there, Vark!" I said, going down on my knees as I started to cuddle and pet Vark. Vark and I are familiar with each other from the times Vox leaves him in my office.

"Yeah, I was wondering if he could stay with you tonight?" He said, shrugging and an uncertain smile.

"Oh sure! I'm fine with Vark staying over. But let me guess for you, Valentino?" I exaggerate Valentino's name and smirk.


I continue petting Vark and scratching his back as his tail runs free. I pull him by the leash and he complies, entering my house. I unbuckle the leash from Vark and he runs off into my house to find my girls. I chuckle at his instant reaction.

"Ok, so that's settled. You should being going off now? In sure, Valentino is waiting for you." I coo towards Vox in a dramatic tone.

"You know me so well!" He smiles. Vox begins to walk off my doorstep towards the parked limousine. "Hope you won't miss me!" Vox winks at me and it catches me off guard.

"You sure it's not the other way around?" I raise a brow and shout with a smug face.

"Maybe!" Vox yells before entering the limo.

I roll my eyes and close the door behind me as the limousine drives off.

I quickly head back off to my stream after setting up Vark's bed, food and water for the night.

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