II: Dinner Ceremony (Addilyn)

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Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff.

It's always fun to try and guess which first years will go into which houses just based off of their looks. It's even more fun when I do it with my best friend Marigold Pierce.

"That one is definitely gonna be in Slytherin and be a slimy snake like you," Marigold exclaimed while pointing to a girl with reddish-brunette hair.

"That one is definitely a Hufflepuff and be a hungry badger like you," I bark back, sticking out my tongue to my best friend while pointing to the boy who is a little bigger than other people and is munching on a delicious chocolate frog.

"Hey!" Marigold laughed while she shoved me on the arm. I wince a little bit as she pushed me into the table. Her dirty blonde hair changed into a light blue color as she enjoyed this moment with me. Her mom and dad is Tonks and Lupin, and she got the hair trait her Mum has.

"Attention, students!" Dumbledore called out with his wand to his throat (to project the noise of his voice). The chattering in the Great Hall grew silent. I swear I could hear my blood running through my veins it was so silent.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts or welcome to Hogwarts if this is your first year here!" Dumbledore called out whilst removing his wand from his throat, now that everyone in the room is silent.

"Now, you may be wondering why on your way in Professor Flitwick asked for your names and Filch checked your bags. I feel as if you should know why" Dumbledore started. I roll my eyes at his speed of talking. It's like he's leaving us off of what muggles call a cliffhanger. It's annoying and wastes time.

"Merlin... he needs to talk faster" I whisper to Pansy while nudging her in the arm with my elbow, causing her to giggle a little bit. She tightens her high ponytail before replying.

"I know right? My high ponytail can't stay up forever... by the time he's done I'll be as old as Dumbledore! I mean how old is he? 150?" Pansy joked quietly. I laugh at the assumed age Pansy gave the long bearded man.

"There was a boy... very much like you lot. He sat before us all here in the Great Hall, he walked around the corridors and took the classes you all take today," Dumbledore carried on.

Oh. My. Merlin. If he doesn't continue in the next 3 seconds I am going to scream. We don't need an hour long break between statements dude.

"His name? His name was Tom Riddle, a Slytherin that wanted to be a first class wizard just like all of you here tonight," Dumbledore answered himself.

1 Mississippi... 2 Mississippi... 3 Mississippi...
Merlin he is not the person to talk to moments before death. I'm sure by the time he finished a sentence even a turtle would cross the finish line after an hour of slowly sulking to the other side.

"Now! This year we have a new professor. Professor Horace Slughorn. Professor Slughorn will resume his old role as potions teacher meaning Professor Snape will possess the Defense Against the Dark Arts" Dumbledore chirped quickly.

"How is it that when it's something important he talks slowly but when it's something irrelevant that people usually don't give two shits about he speeds up?" I ask Pansy who is snickering uncontrollably from my impatience.

"I was thinking exactly the same thing! I've got comfortable beds to sleep in, hurry it up!" Pansy said in between a few deep breaths.

"Now! Enjoy the feast!" Dumbledore exclaims as he raised his hands up and plates full of foods rose up from the table. entrees of different meats popped up in front of us, bowls of different fruits whipped around every 5 students. Expensive plates appeared in front of every students and a set of silverware aligned neatly next to the goblet of water and the plate.

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