Chapter 8

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Wesley has been the best friend I could have ever asked for. He's been helping me through everything. It's been two weeks. He occasionally catches me with a cigar, like yesterday and he literally rips it out of my hand. And I thank him. Also every single day he's been reminding me that drugs can kill you which instantly makes me think Derek and makes me tear up, and than he apologizes and says he just trying to help me which I understand. My relationship with my mom has been.. Not so great. We've been talking but not like before, I feel like she's mad at me. I don't even know if she knew I've been doing drugs. I rather not ask. It's going to take a while for us to get back to normal.

"Ok, we need to get you preoccupied with something else other than smoking and drugs."

Wesley's telling me while we're sitting on the bench I always used to sit on near the beach. It's nice that he's getting me back to my regular routine.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" I ask

"Well, what about that job?"

"Oh crap!"

"Let me guess, you haven't even gone" he guess right.

I shake my head knowing he'd be disappointed.

"Oh boy" he sighs

"Do you think they'll re-hire me?"

"It's worth a try" he smiles and gives me a reassuring nudge.

And with that we were off the the cafe.

Wesley holds the door opened for me.

"I think you can do this on your own" he tells me and pushes me forward as he goes and sits down.

Oh man, I'm so nervous. What if Margaret yells at me. Or maybe I'll be lucky and she won't remember me.

I spot her.

"Hey, Margaret. Remember me?"

She squints hard and the expression on her face turned to sadness rather than anger.

"Oh yes, the one that lied and didn't end up showing up to her job." She was calm but I could tell she was going to burst.

"I know, I am so sorry. I was going through a lot and I should of at least told you I wouldn't show up." I tell her.

She grabs a cloth and starts cleaning tables, I follow.

"Listen, I was foolish. I promise I won't back down this time. I'm committed and I want this more than ever. I'm responsible and ill work hard."

She still scrubbing tables.


She sighs

"You did seem like a smart girl, and we really need help around here." She was thinking hard.

"Fine, I better see you here on Monday." She tells me

"Thank you so much! I won't let you down!"

"Yah, you better not." I can see her trying to hide her smile, I probably looked like a fool since I couldn't stop talking.

"Now get out of here unless you're buying something" she smirks.

I was so close to hugging her but I decided not to risk it.

I walk over to Wesley, decided to trick him. I didn't make any eye contact and just stared at the ground looking all sad. He immediately gets up.

"It's okay Blair, there's plenty of other jobs out there, I swear will get you one."

I look up at him and can't help but smile, this boy, he's willing to do anything to help me.

"I got the job Wes!"

He grabs me and spins me around.

He repositions me back and looks me in the eyes.

"I'm so proud of you."

"I couldn't have done it with out you" I admit.

He hands me a coffee and grabs his own and were back out.

"You did all your homework right?" He asks

"Yes mom" I joke.

"Oh, real funny" he smirks.

"So, how's math been going?" I ask

"Great! Ever since you've been helping me."

I've been tutoring him, it's the least I can do.

"I'm glad" I tell him

We walked in silence, not awkward silence but peaceful silence.

He walked me home and than he headed home. I read for the remaining Sunday.

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