Chapter 3

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The car ride was quiet, but not in an awkward way, just quiet. We arrived. I had no ideas who house it was but it was big. It's always the typical rich kids throwing parties while they're parents are away.

"Who's house is this anyway?" I ask Wesley

"Lauren Smith, you know her?"

Do I know her? Who doesn't.

"Oh, I think so." I tell him, don't want to seem like a creep again. "Am I even invited?"

"Everyone is invited!" He laughs, and grabs my hand as we're stepping out of the car and we walk inside. The smokers are out front, when we walk in claustrophobia instantly hits me. You literally gotta push people out of the way. It's only been a minute and I've lost Wesley. I'm looking around like a lost puppy, getting pushed around, when all of a sudden someone grabs my arm and pulls me into the kitchen were there's hardly any people. You would think it'd be packed, with all that food and all but nope.

"Hi" I hear

The guy that was pulled me in wasn't Wesley, it was some other guy. He wasn't muscular, but skinny, not the gross skinny, I'd say he was attractively skinny. I noticed a peeking tattoo on his shirt, couldn't tell what it was. He wore torn jeans, loosely hung on his waist, and plain black tee. He had longer, darker hair, and I couldn't help but stare at his spacers.

"Hello" I reply

"Sorry, I noticed you looked lost" he replies. "I'm Derek"

"Oh, thanks I guess. I'm Blair." I tell him. I'm gonna try to make this as less awkward as possible. "You look familiar, where do I know you from?"

"We have Art together" he tells me.

"Oh I'm sorry" wow this is a first, I don't recognize someone.

"Oh no it's ok, I'm never there" he laughs

"Oh, how come?" I ask

"Ermm, I like to go home early" his reply made me laugh.

All of a sudden I see Lauren walking towards me with her little gang.

"Who's that" I hear one of them whisper

"Who cares, probably some loser who thought it was ok to show up" another one said.

Do they not realize how loud they are.

I'm just thankful they didn't come over and ask me to leave, so that was kind of nice, right? I look down in embarrassment.

"Hey, you wanna go outside, this place is unbearable" Derek asks

I agree.


We sat against the brick wall outside the house. We talked for while, he couldn't stop bragging about his new car so I asked him to show me, he takes me to his car. It's a truck.

"Wow, it's really something" I tell him sarcastically

He gives me a light punch on the shoulder.

"Come on" he calls

He picks me up and puts me in the back, he hops in too. We sat on blankets and we just relaxed. I barely know this guy, should I be here? Where's Wesley? He ditched me so whatever. After about a half hour, he pulls out a medium sized bottle of vodka.


I shook my head and he looked at me weirdly.

"Come on, just a sip" he assures me.

I don't know what came over me but I grabbed the bottle and took a huge gulp. I starts coughing uncontrollably, my insides are burning. But after, it feels kinda good. I take another gulp.

"Easy there" Derek laughs

I pass him the bottle and he does the same, except no coughing. Looks like he's used to it.

"I should find Wesley" I tell him

"Oh you came with Wesley, are you guys a thing?"

"Oh god no" I tell him

"Ok good, come on"

Ok, good? Why is that good, does he like me?

He helps me off and we both go searching for Wesley.

I can feel the vodka kicking in while were walking everything is slightly spinning. I shake my head, that made it worse I grab on to Derek's shoulder.

"You ok?" He whispers

I regain my balance.

"Yah I'm good"


We both turn around, it's Wesley, he's staring right at Derek. He almost looks shocked.

"You ready to go" he asks

"Yep" I look back at Derek to say my fair well. He grabs my phone from my jacket pocket, he puts in his number.

"Text me sometime" he winks and he's off

I walk over to Wesley, Hardly made it without falling over.

He doesn't say anything, we walk over to the car.

"Who's that?" He finally asks

"Derek" I reply simply

"Derek?!" He seems mad now "stay away from him, he's no good."

Is he serious telling me who I should hang out with now? Why does he care? He's the one who ditched me. Probably to embarrassed to be seen with me.

"That's not up to you."

By now were already driving.

He looks at me furiously.

"I'm serious Blair, where were you anyways? I didn't see you around?"

"Maybe if you didn't leave me you would know" I tell him

I regret saying that, I seem too clingy

"Sorry about that, I swear I tried looking for you" he tells me

"Look it's fine, I honestly don't care."

"No it's not fine, I should of stayed with you"

I look out the window, I just want this conversation to end. And it did. We finally made it to my house. I open the car door, before I step out he grabs me.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he says

"See ya" I smiled

I shut the door and wave good bye. The lights inside our house are on, OH NO! I forgot to tell my mom. I look down at my phone, 12 missed calls. Crap. I step inside.

"Blair! Is that you?" My mom is yelling from somewhere. Now I hear her running. She stops and just stares at me.

"Do you know how worried I've been?" She asks in disbelief. "Do you know what time it is? Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry mom, I was just hanging out with some friends."

I tell her

"Just hanging out with some friends? Who? Don't lie, we're you at a party?" Did you drink?"

Of course I had to lie a bit.

"Ok, I was at a party but I didn't drink! You know me mom, I would never"

"I'm disappointed Blair, you're grounded."

Grounded? What does that even mean, I'm never grounded.

"Go to your room"

I sigh, and walk upstairs. I quickly changed into my pyjamas. And hopped onto my bed, fell asleep in a flash, that never happens.

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