Chapter 1

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this is a book that @gloriouskau and i are writing together!! im odd chapters she's evens

please look out for other chapters and tell us what you think <3

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-XxreadabookxX and gloriouskau


Eva's POV

   I walk over to my coffee maker. I turn it on and it makes a hissing sound that can, surprisingly, be heard over the noisy London traffic. This is the exciting life of Eva Stone, I think to myself sarcastically. I am twenty-two and this is how I start my mornings; with a two-sugar black coffee to wake me up. The coffee maker silences, that’s it’s’ way of telling me the coffee is ready. I pour the coffee into a Frederich Corp mug. I work at Frederich Corp –a law firm- and received this mug at their last Christmas party. The only perks of working there is that I get to work with my best friend Erin Heart. She is the friendliest person you could meet and she is really beautiful. We have been friends since primary school where we stick together through thick and thin. Since I don’t really have much of a family I always have turned to Erin for guidance like she’s my sister. She has big ocean blue eyes and fair skin. Her hair changes colour every day (she dyes it) and it is long. It’s much like a horse’s mane, beautiful and thick. She never has the same hair colour two days in a row. I’m surprised that she hasn’t gotten in trouble from work yet. I suppose it’s because everyone loves her and her electric personality. I hug the coffee mug closely to my chest to feel the warmth. It sends a shiver down my spine when it makes contact with my lips. I love coffee.

   When I finish off my drink I head to my bedroom to continue my ordinary morning routine. I go through my bedroom to my completely white ensuite and begin to undress for the shower. I take my time in the shower to think as I always do. I purposely wake up early so that I don’t have to rush in my morning activities. Once I finish in the shower I turn off the taps and wrap my body and hair in towels. I brush my teeth while I’m still in this unfashionable attire so that it is over and done with. When I remove the towel on my head my hair falls down my back. I like having long hair because of two reasons: one, it keeps me warm during winter; although it may sound strange it’s true. And two, it hides my face when I need it to. By that I mean when I’m trying to cover up my emotions. I pull my comb through it and make it smooth and straight. Now, time to get dressed.

   I re-enter my bedroom to get dressed. My decision of clothes today is to wear a plain long-sleeved button down shirt with navy work pants. Over my shirt I throw a navy coat and button it up tightly. I put on a scarf and slip on my shoes. I grab my big hand bag and throw it over my shoulder. I think I’m ready to go. When I exit through my apartment door I make my way down the hall to the elevators. It takes a mere couple of seconds before the elevator is here and welcoming me with its open doors. I step inside and hit the big ground floor button. The doors are about to shut when a slender hand slinks through the tiny gap at the last minute. The doors are confused but soon open and allow the person entry. She’s short and skinny, has long, black hair and a gentle face. She looks relieved to have reached the elevator in time. I, for one, am not so glad. I prefer to take the elevator alone rather than share an awkward ride with a stranger.

   When we reach the ground floor we both go our separate ways, she rushes off down a corridor while I make my way out the front doors. The doors are open by Bailey Trench, the doorman for Point View apartments. He grins widely at me and tips his hat. I return the smile which isn’t such a common thing for me to do.

   I make my way to the curb and hold out my hand to hail a taxi. Soon enough a taxi parks in front of me. I slide in and in perfect time too, because as I close the cab door it begins to pour down rain.

   “A beautiful mornin’ ain’t it?” the taxi driver says sarcastically. He has a very strong accent.

   I make an mm sound as I do not really wish to make conversation with him.

   “Where to?”

   “Frederich Corp.”

   “Oh, fancy. A law firm. You must be awfully cleva.” He remarks.

   “Well, I do have an IQ of 136.” I boast. That should shut him up.

   When there is silence for a good couple of minutes I think to myself that I have done a good job but then realise that he is confused about my comment. It doesn’t seem that he understands what IQ’s are. But I really don’t feel like explaining it to him so I remain silent.

   He eventually breaks the silence. “I’m Marcus and you are?” he asks peering over the driver’s seat.

   I look up at him with most of my hair covering my face. This is what I meant when I said that my hair can hide my emotion.

   “I’m Eva.” I reply reluctantly then turn to stare out of the window.

   I guess that he has figured out that I do not desire to converse with him and has agreed. He turns on the radio station to terrible old music.

   “Please turn that off.” I say disgusted by his music choice.

   “OK, you’re the boss.” He approves and turns off the music.

   I catch him looking at me through the rear view mirror and he quickly turns away.

   Out of my bag I pull out an Agatha Christie novel from my bag and begin reading. I love murder mysteries. Always have, always will. I do believe that I would make a good investigator because I can always uncover the truth in movies, TV shows and books. I’m nearly at the end of this book.

   “Whatcha readin’?” Marcus asks me.

   I sigh and close my book.

   “It’s an Agatha Christie novel; Three Act Tragedy.” I answer looking up at him.

   “Sounds interestin’. We’re here.” He says whilst turning into the car park.

   I put the book back in my bag. So much for reading it.

   “Thank you.” I say and give him sufficient funds for the ride.

   I race inside hoping not to get wet. It is warm inside so I slow down and make my way to the elevator. When I’m inside I contemplate about what colour I think Erin’s hair will be today. It was green yesterday maybe it will be pink today. The elevator dings and the doors open.

   I see the same old faces as I usually do and walk to Erin’s office.

   “Hey, Eri-” I stop talking when I realise that she isn’t in her office. Strange, she usually arrives at work before I do. Never mind, I’ll see her soon.

   I notice that my office door is wide open. That's strange...

   I walk over to my office and freeze when I see what’s in there. I completely stop breathing and fight the urge to scream. Erin’s lifeless body is sprawled across the floor of my office her blood in the carpet and in her hair. Her hair is a mixture of blue dye and her blood making it appear some-what purple. Hot tears race down my face and I fall to her side. She can’t be dead. She can’t be. It just wouldn’t happen to her. I pick up her head and rest it on her lap. I have to call the police, I think, she’s been murdered!



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