Chapter 1

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The girl in the picture is exactly how I pictured Aria.

Aria's P.O.V

"Aria, come down here and watch your little brothers." My mother yelled from downstairs. I quickly got off my bed and walked down the stairs.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"I said watch them, I have to run to the store to get something for dinner." She stated, roaming around the kitchen gathering her purse and car keys.

"Whatever." I spoke, rolling my eyes in the process.

"Make sure they don't touch anything, don't feed them anything, and make sure you're paying attention to them. You do have a tendency to leave them down here and go up to your room." She went on.

"Okay, bye mom." I mumbled. After that she was out the door. Finally. Hopefully she gets back before they call. By "them" I mean my best friends. They're Blu, Andrea, Kolby and Corrie. We do this thing where the five of us call each other every Friday night and just talk all night long. I looked over at the clock in the kitchen and saw that it was 7:00.

"They'll be calling any minute." I said to myself. I have two little brothers too. Andrew and Jason. Lets just call them thing one and thing two, because wherever Andrew goes Jason is right behind him. "Andrew, watch Jason. I have to go get my phone." I called out, running up the stairs. As soon as I reached the top of the stairs I heard my phone ringing. I plopped down on my bed and answered it.

"Hey Babe." Kolby giggled into the phone.

"What's up Bebz?" I replied.

"Nothing really, hang on. Corrie, Blu and Andrea are on the other line." She confirmed. She clicked back over a few minutes later.

"Vas Happenin." Corrie cheered.

"Eating a bagel sandwich." Andrea answered smacking into the phone.

"Listening to Ariana Grande." Blu stated.

"So are you guys packed for tomorrow?" I asked.

"Hell no." Andrea and Corrie sighed.

"Kinda, I just don't want to see Michael." Kolby mumbled.

"What if they aren't the same anymore?" Corrie asked.

"It's been 5 and a half months not a year." Andrea chuckled.

"Well it does feel like forever." I added.

"What if Luke doesn't want to see me?" Corrie asked.

"If he didn't want to see you he wouldn't have even tried to stay in contact with you over all this time." Kolby suggested.

"Yeah, of course he wants to see you. Stop over thinking everything." Blu urged. I heard a loud crash downstairs and rushed down the stairs.

"Shit you guys, I'll call you tomorrow." I hesitated. In reply I got a chorus of goodbyes and I love yous. Then I hung up and threw my phone onto the couch.

"What the hell did I tell you, Andrew? Mom is gonna flip when she sees this."I yelled gesturing to the pile of broken glass in the middle of the floor. "How did you even get this?" I pondered.

"I just wanted a drink." He cried.

"When have you ever used a glass cup? NEVER EXACTLY!!! Go to your room." I hissed.

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