You Left This

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Jeff POV

The lesson with Ali had gone better than I thought, when she first got in the car I had thought she wanted to be anywhere but with me. Once we got to the bowling alley she started to relax and actually enjoyed herself.

I was disappointed when she suggested changing the way I showed her what to do. I kinda liked being that close to her it felt nice. I know she's with my brother and I know she loves him but damn I wish I'd met her first.

As I approach my driveway I notice that she has left her sweater in the car, without even thinking I turn the car around and head straight back to her place. I mean sure I could just give to her tomorrow but it's a chance to be around her a little bit longer.

When I pull up outside her place I don't see any lights on, I should just go and give it to her tomorrow but it's like my body had a mind of it's own and before I know it im standing at her door. I knock gently not expecting and answer but the door opens to reveal Ali stood there in a tank top and pj shorts. Oh man this was a really bad idea.


When I open the door I'm surprised to see Jeff standing there. This is crazy I had literally just been thinking about him and now here he is at my door. I'd had a good time with him tonight but I hadn't been able to shake the feeling I got when he touched me. I mean he shouldn't be making me feel like that, he's Matt's brother and I couldn't possibly like him that way could I?

"Jeff, are you ok?" I ask

"Yeah you left this in the car" he says handing me my sweater

"Oh thanks" I say taking it from him accidentally brushing my hand against his as I do so. "Um do you want to come in?" I ask

What the hell am I doing? I should not be inviting him in I should just let him go home. It's too late now I've already asked him all I can do is hope he says no.

"Yeah sure" he replies damn it i think as I step aside

I suddenly become very aware of what I am wearing and dash to my bedroom. I throw on some sweats and my sweater and head back to the living room.

"Um can I get you anything to drink" I ask

"I'm good thanks" he says with a smile

I sit at the opposite end of the sofa from him and I feel like I'm meeting him for the first time. I don't know what to say or what to do.

"Where's your friend" he asks

"Oh she's staying at her boyfriends tonight" I say, well that's just great now he knows that we are alone I mentally scold myself

"Are you ok Ali? You seem kind of tense" he asks looking concerned

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile

"It's just we had fun earlier and now you seem nervous" he says

"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to having anyone but Matt or Madison here" I say

"It's ok, we're friends right" he asks with a smile

"Yeah of course we are" I reply

"So tell me is there anything else you're good at or is it just bowling" he says making me laugh

Once I relax the conversation flows easily between us, maybe a little too easily. Jeff is so easy to talk to, he's more laid back then Matt. I find myself wondering how else Jeff is different to Matt, does he hug differently? Does he kiss differently? Does he....woah woah I am not going there, I can't go there. I should not be thinking these things about my boyfriends brother.

What is wrong with me, ever since I laid eyes on Jeff I haven't been able to think straight. I've been thinking about him way more than I should and barely thinking about Matt at all. Before I know it's got late and Jeff is yawning.

"Listen why don't you crash on the couch tonight" I suggest against my better judgement

"Are you sure?" He asks "I don't mind driving home"

"I'm absolutely sure" I say

I got to my room and grab him some spare pillows and a blanket and take them through to him. I walk into the room just in time to see him taking his shirt off, and for the second time this week I am unable to take my gaze off him or his body. Matt has an incredible body but my god it doesn't come close to what I'm looking at right now.

OK I need to leave the room right now I tell myself and place the blanket and pillows down on the couch.

"Well good night" I say and scurry out of the room before he has chance to speak

Jeff POV

This was not the plan I was just supposed to give her her sweater back not stay over night. It's taking everything in me not to follow her to her room.

I lay on the couch and pull the blanket over me, I grab my phone and text the one person  who can talk some sense into me.

Me: I need a favour

Lorelai: what do you need?

Me: you to talk me out of something stupid

Lorelai: where are you?

Me: sleeping on Ali's couch

Lorelai: As in Matt's Ali?

Me: yep

Lorelai: so what am I talking you out of?

Me: going into her room

Lorelai: why would you want.......oh my god you like her

Me: you have no idea

Lorelai: ok first she is with Matt, second Matt is your brother and third if you so much as put a toe through her bedroom door I will kick your ass

Me: thanks L knew I could count on you

She is right, Ali is with Matt and they love each other, the last thing I want is to hurt him. So I just need to keep whatever this is under control and just be her friend - that shouldn't be too hard right?

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