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TAPE 2 [Side A]

"I didn't speak to Berlin again after that morning we spent talking on the balcony of the monastery

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"I didn't speak to Berlin again after that morning we spent talking on the balcony of the monastery."

"Going foreword it was always business as usual. He'd stand at the front of the class beside The Professor as he detailed every single movement that was involved in his heist."

"Although soon enough our dynamic changed..."

"I wasn't quite sure whether it was for the better or for the worst after all it started four weeks into my stay in Italy and there was absolutely nothing romantic about it."

"But I do suppose that was the point after all. Emotions caused unnecessary heartache, and I for one would never let some egocentric man compromise my ability to focus on the heist. Yet his demanding nature and his calm exterior still drew me into him and I was woman enough to admit that fact so I decided to pursue my request from the first day and I eventually slept with the monster that everyone had warned me about countless times beforehand."

"I'm sure right about now you're thinking to yourself why would a woman like Bern sleep with a man like Berlin?"

"Well, the answer was simple."

"He didn't feel."

"He didn't care."

"He just wanted sex."

"And that was something I could work with."

"So in saying that please allow me to take you back to my thoughts the day we enacted our sexual relationship, but please be warned that there is nothing innocent about what happened or what is to come."


The paint on the walls of the ancient monastery seemed to chip away faster than time.

This was definitely my least favorite part about being here.

The day-to-day lessons and experiments weren't the highlight of my stay here, but yet again was there really even a highlight to speak of?

Probably not. I thought to myself.

"Alright, that's enough for today." The Professor said with a sigh.

He must've sensed our boredom.

"Thank god!" Nairobi exclaimed as she lifted her hands in the air almost as if she was attempting to praise God for giving her the gift of having this excruciatingly painful lesson come to an end.

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