Day 1

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Dear Diary, this is Izuku mom is getting worse as you know my birthday is coming up soon I'm turning 17. Mom went hard today I now have a knife mark in my back and a shot wound in my hip I think she dislocated me knee, but it's ok she's sick she'll get better Im but gonna lie I'm starting to lose hope. Well I have to go talk to you later

Sincerely, Izuku.

I just got done writing mom called when I got down I got slapped. "Your Late!" She yelled. My ears went down. You see I have more then one quirk I have 4 and mom hates it.

My quirks are neko, dragon, wolf and merman.

Neko:I have cat ears I can turn into a cat I have heats sometimes my tail is very sensitive is you pull or tug I'll go into heat. My cat form is a bright green with some dark green spots.

Dragon: Well I can turn into a dragon. My dragon form is BIG. It looks like a really dark green with black spots. In or not into my dragon form I can breath fire and fly.

Wolf: I can turn into a wolf. I'm really fast at running and hunting. My wolf form is just a dark green so I can blend in with stuff in the forest.

Merman: I can turn into a mermaid I can breath underwater in or out of my form I can talk to animals.

After she yelled she told me to go pack. "Wha- why m-mom!" "Shut the fuck up brat!" I went and packed them with out her knowing I left and I don't plan on coming back. I know the man she sold me to he's a real pervert and really rich I'm not going with him no where.

After I left I was looking for a nice and sorta save place outside to sleep. When I find a nice place behind a abandon apartment complex. It's burned but it'll do.

"Young man are you ok? What are you doing behind here? Please come out I won't hurt you?" Of course someone can't let a homeless boy just sleep damn what I'd do for sleep(Bitch me too😂)

Hey my Devils u really hope you like this story and thank you for reading

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