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Zombies... really, really tall zombies... it was like The Walking Dead became a reality except... the zombies themselves, they're 20 feet tall..!

Well, all except one, of course.

"Kira!" Lana called to her friend. "I can't keep up, I-AH!" Lana was cut off by a zombie jumping on top of her. "HELP, KIRA!!" She screamed to her friend.

Kira turned around and began running toward Lana, attempting to get the being that was almost three times her height off of her friend. As she did, she heard light tremors in the ground.

"Another one?!" Kira thought as she battled the massive, stupid zombie. She let out a small scream as she bashed it's skull in with a baseball bat, killing it.

Kira huffed out a couple exhausted breaths.

"Oh, Kira!" Lana yelled, hugging her friend. "Thank you so much!"

"It was no problem." Kira huffed out between breaths. "We better prepare for another one, though." She muttered.

"W-What..? Why? H-"

Then, Lana felt it. The vibrations... the very, very light vibrations of their footsteps.

"What're we gonna do?!" Lana asked her friend, who was cleaning her bat in preparation of the new 'friend'.

"I'm gonna kill it." Kira stated.

The vibrations got louder and harder, to the point where it didn't even sound like the normal sound of their footfalls.

"That's not a zombie..." Kira muttered, looking around in wait. "We should probably run."

"I'm all for that!" Lana stated, getting up and grabbing hold of her friend's wrist. "Let's go."

Kira ran with her friend when the vibrations kept catching up to them. They felt it from another direction, and inwardly cursed.

"Dammit, there's another!" Lana thought. She ran faster until a zombie pinned them down... both of them. They were immobile.

One very strong tremor rang though their ears, vibrating their brain and making them all then their attention to the large foot on the ground next to them. It was another zombie.

But... it wasn't a normal zombie... it was huge... 120 feet, at least... there's no way they're going to survive now.

Kira looked up at him... dare she say he was beautiful, but he was. He looked dead... but not super dead. He looked like he's been dead for about... a couple days? Maybe? Maybe a week?

God, the last thing she's going to see is the inside of that colossus's mouth...

Lana yelled out when the zombie that was on top of her bit her arm. The towering one reached down. However, the one he grabbed wasn't the humans, rather than the zombie on top of them.

Both girls huffed exhaustedly when the weight was taken off of them, and Lana sobbed at the pain of her arm... well, her previous arm.

The towering zombie gripped the smaller zombie's head and crushed it in it's hand, brownish red blood dripping down from it's massive hand.

"What the hell..?!" Lana yelled, gripping her best friend's hand. "Kira, we have to run! It'll kill us if we stay here!"

Kira was frozen. She didn't know that to think... she just witnessed a zombie kill another zombie.

"Kira!" Lana yelled as a massive hand descended upon them. It seemed to be heading straight for Kira. "Kira, move!" Lana screamed, tears welling in her eyes and dripping down her face. At the last second, Lana pushed her best friend out of the way and and ended up getting grabbed. She reached down at her friend and smiled softly, knowing she was safe for the time being. Lana didn't struggle, accepting her fate. The zombie seemed to inspect her, it's eyes looking her up and down. But, instead of finishing her first, the creature grabbed Kira as well. Lana's relief was quickly washed away by a sense of panic. "No, no, no, no, no!! Let her go!!" Lana demanded, hitting the hand that held her. The zombie didn't look phased by the hitting, and only directed it's gaze at Kira. He inspected her like he did Lana, before opening the palm that held Lana and depositing Kira in his hand along with Lana. Lana embraced her friend who seemed to be entranced... locking her gaze on the giant creature... zombie... thing.

"Are you two alright?" The creature spoke... what?! Words?! Out of a zombie?! How?! That's not possible! Their brains are rotten!

"H-W-How..?! What?!" Lana voiced her thoughts.

"Are you hurt?" It repeated itself with a bit less worry in it's tone.

"N-No..." Lana mumbled without thinking. "No... yes! Yes, we're ok... we aren't hurt... how can you talk? What are you?" Lana asked quietly.

The giant zombie thing chuckled deeply. "I'm just your average zombie. Well, scientifically, we're called Buritas, but zombie is much easier to pronounce, so I go with that." The 'Burita' paused. "Honestly... the last thing I remember is a gunshot then blackness... then I woke up, I was huge, and zombified." It got serious. "I'm the first one... like, ever. I've been dead for about two years now."

"So... you... you won't hurt us?" Lana asked, embracing her best friend, holding her hand.

At that moment, Kira seemed to snap out of it. "The hell?!" She yelled, looking around then at the massive face above them. "Put us down!!" Kira yelled.

"Hey, take it easy. I won't hurt you. Calm down. I'm here to help." It tried to ease her, but failed as Kira just started yelling louder. "I said put us down- wait..." Then, it hit her. "What?!" She screamed.

It chuckled. "I take it you two are ok." It crouched down and placed them on the ground and stood up to his full height, turning its back. It smelled around a bit and started forward, but stopped when it heard Kira speak.

"I-It's... it's huge!!" Kira sputtered out. Lana patted her back gently to comfort her.

"I know... it's massive." Lana agreed. "It's alright... I don't think it's going to hurt us." She continued.

The towering giant then crossed its arms and didn't look back. "I saved your life, a 'thank you' would be nice." It stated before walking away from them.

"I-I... thank you!" Lana yelled to it as it walked out of earshot. "Damn, now I feel bad." She thought. She shook off her thoughts, seeing as she never wanted to see that giant... zombie again. Was it even a zombie? She had no idea what to make of any of this.

"Kira..?" Lana got her friend's attention.

"Y-Yeah..?" Kira was obviously still in shock.

"I think we should apologize."

"What?" Kira stated. Well, it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"We should apologize. If he has feelings, and we treated him unfairly, I would never be able to live with myself. It's terrible to treat someone like that if they don't deserve it."

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