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"Mommy..?" Little Isabela called, her dirty blonde hair bouncing on her back as she wandered through the forest. "Daddy?"

No answer.


'W-What was that..?' Issy thought, shaking from fear.


"H-Hello..?" She whispered.

A voice was heard above her... or below her... or to the side of her... she didn't really know where it was coming from... but it was loud. Booming. "Why are you out here alone, little one?" The voice asked her. It seemed to circle around her.

"W-Who are you?!" Issy yelled, getting as defensive as a 6 year old girl can be.

"That's not important... what is important is the fact that you're in my woods alone... where are your parents?" The female voice asked.

"I-I don't know... s-show yourself!!" Issues yelled, with quaking confidence that a 6 year old shouldn't have over someone who she doesn't even know...

"You don't want me to. You'll run away. Please... let me help you find your parents. They have to be here somewhere." It spoke again, this time... softer than before. Almost motherly.

"I don't even remember where I last saw them! There's no way you can help! I don't even know how I got here!"

"Hm... how... how unfortunate. I'll have to take you in, then. You must be freezing in this nighttime air." The voice commented. Suddenly, a large hand appeared out of nowhere and laid down flat beside her. It seemed... expectant. Whatever it was expecting, it definitely didn't get what it expected when Isabela slowly started climbing onto the hand. "You... you're coming?"

"W-Well... what choice do I have..? I don't know where my parents are... you're my only chance of survival, if I even have one at all."

The 6 year old didn't even seem phased by the massive female hand. She definitely acted much older than she was. There's no way she's not scared... but she seems like she's trying to hide it somehow. "Ok, I'm getting up, now. Hold on." The female warned. Air gust from the top, pinning her down into the hand and forcing her to sit. "You're alright?"

"Yes... I-I'm ok." Issy expelled a breath of slight relief and pressure... there's no way this is real.

The giantess held Issy close to her face and inspected the dirty 6 year old. "Ok, the first thing you'll need is a bath and some food. Then, you can tell me all about how you got here, alright, sweetie?" The giantess asked, beginning to walk somewhere.

"O-Ok." Issy nodded.

"I'm Megan, by the way." The giantess told Issy.

"I'm Isabela. You can call me Issy, if you want."

They arrived a while later at a cottage-looking house... but it was huge. More proportional to Megan than to Issy. "Here, you can bathe in the sink. Can you swim?" The giant woman asked, seeming half-hopeful and half-worried.

"N-No... I never learned to swim." Issy admitted, looking down in an embarrassed manner.

"It's alright... I'll stay here while you bathe, I don't want you to drown." Megan said, setting the human child down by the sink. She turned on the water and a waterfall erupted from the faucet, gallons upon gallons of water spilling out into the sink. Issy was impressed but also a bit shocked. The giantess didn't seem normal, much less to have running water and electricity in her house.

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