Why so darude mianite?

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Tucker's POV
I woke up next to Sonja. She was still sleeping. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I heard a click. Sh!t. I stepped on a pressure plate! I ran to the bedroom. I heard TNT go off. I walked into the kitchen and saw everything broken.

???: "Seem to dumb to realize"

Tucker: "Shut up Tom"

Tom jumped down right in front of me with a smirk.

Tucker: "It's not funny Tom! It's not purge!"

Tom: "Well I'm sure Dianite will enjoy this.

Tucker: "Stop trying to please him by destruction.

Tom: "Please who!? I don't have to please anyone!"
Tucker: Your God"

Tom: "Shut up."

Mianite appeared. A smirk plastered on my face. Mianite knows when he should appear.

Mianite: "It's not purge! And that means no deadly pranks"

Tom: "Well I'm sure that Sparkly pants won't mind a couple of pranks"

Mianite: "Leave my sisters follower alone."

Tom: "Ohhh. When I bring sparklez up you get mad.

Mianite disappeared. I love when my God fights my fights for me. I still had a smirk on my face. Tom just pouted.
Toms POV
Crap! Mianite always screws with my plans. I'm going to head to Sparkly pants place. Since his God is in the hands of my God he can't do anything.
Time skip Cuz walking is boring
I swung open the door.
Tom: "Sparkly Pants!"
I walked through his house. I heard a faint scream. Is that sparklez?! I started to run down the halls. I came to a room that was shut. All of the doors in the house were open, but not this one. I swung open the door and was shocked at what I saw. Sparklez was pinned against the wall by Nadeshot! He was holding a knife up to sparklez neck
Tom: "What the hell are you doing!?

Nadeshot: "Dianite sent me.

Tom: "Well great sh¡t. Now Mianite..."

I got cut off by Mianite appearing.

Tom: "Well look who showed up."

Mianite: "That's it I have had enough!"

Nadeshot: "What's Mianite gonna do? Cry about it to his sister!?"

Sonja's POV
I woke up. Text appeared.

'Nadeshot and Syndicat have been banned by Mianite.

Wow that's hilarious. I wonder what Tom and Nadeshot did this time. Poor sparklez.He's been getting killed and pranked by the Dianite gang. Since Dianite has captured Ianite, Sparklez keeps getting the worse of it. I walked out of the bedroom and saw Tucker re-Building are kitchen.


Tucker: "Tom"

Sonja: "Oh ok. Need some help?"

Tucker: "Well yeah"

Sparklez (Jordan's) POV

Thank god Mianite saved me. I wish they would stop killing me. It's not even purge day! Usually when people get banned it last for 1 minute. So I have time to prepare just in case a fight. I ran down to my vault. I put in the password and locked the vault behind me. I grabbed my diamond sword with sharpness 3 on it. I walked out of the of my vault and locked it. Just in time to because text came up and said. 'Syndicate has joined the Realm of Mianite'. I guess Nadeshot rage quit.

Tom: "So, you have a god that's not even yours protecting you.

Sparklez: "Yeah."

Tom: "Wanna go prank Sonja?"
Sparklez: "It depends......."

Tom: "What do you mean! It's a simple yes or no question!

Sparklez: "If it has to do with deathly things then no"

Tom: "Hm...... Fill there house with chickens"
Sparklez: "Fine"

Me and Tom start farming eggs. Then something hit me on the back of my head. It was an egg.
Sparklez: "Wow. Seriously!?
Tom: "Yup."

Sparklez: "Well thanks I have egg in my hair now.
Tom came walked behind me. I expected to get punched but instead he started to take the egg out of my hair.
Sparklez: "Uh...... What are you doing?"
Tom: "Helping"
Sparklez: "Are you even Tom!?"
Tom: "Yeah I am tom. Why are you flipping out
Sparklez: "Your ALWAYS against me."

Tom just kept picking the egg out of my hair. What's wrong with him!? He never is nice. Especially to me! I wonder what's up with him.
Tom's POV
Why does Sparklez think I'm crazy!? I'm just trying to help him. 'But Tom you've been killing him so of curse he thinks your a nut case' my mind said. I can be a d¡ck and then be nice! That's normal! I guess that isn't normal..... or maybe it is. I think I'm going insane but that's normal. We started to farm eggs again. Jordan's (sparklez) hair was really soft. 'Shut up Tom you sound gay' my mind said. I don't sound gay! Anyone could say that about anyone!
Time skip
Me and him ran into Tucker's and Sonja's house. Are whole inventory is field with stacks of eggs. We started to throw them everywhere and soon there were chickens everywhere. We sprinted out. Suddenly Sonja comes rolling up.
Sonja: "So whatcha doing?"
Tom: "Oh we were just checking out the prank Nadeshot did.
Sonja: "What prank!??!?
Tom: "The one he did in your house.

Sonja sprinted away towards her house. Did she really fall for that!?!? Like c'mon! Nadeshot has been gone since he got banned! So how would Nadeshot do it!? Ever think Sonja?
Tom: "And that's how you get away with a prank."
Sparklez: "Yup. Well... I have to go see you around."
Tom: "Why where you going?"
Sparklez: "Uh... just ill see you latter.
He sprinted to his house. What is he hiding? I'll crack the whip down him like his mom if I found out he's planning something! I wanted to follow him but Mianite will think I'm up to something so i can't. I sprinted to my house which wasn't that far from sparklez. My house was kinda in a small mountain. I sat on my bed. All I can think about is Jordan. 'Tom, what the hell are you doing? Your such an idiot. Are you blind!?' My mind said.
Why would I be blind!?
Because you don't realize something!
What do I not realize!?
That you have a crush on sparklez!!!
Yeah you do. That's why he's stuck in yo head!
Trust me. I'm your mind so I know these things
Why would I like sparklez!? He's team ianite!
That's one of the reasons you like him! You want what you can't have!
What do you mean I want what I can't have!?!
Like you said, he's team ianite and your team dianite.Do you seriously think Mianite will let you have his sisters follower
I don't like Jordan! I don't I don't I don't! I......
Jordan's POV
I ran off away from Tom. Me,Tucker,and Sonja are suppose to meet up with Mianite to figure out how to stop Dianite. I felt guilty that I was just hanging out with Tom who is a Dianite follower. I ran over to Tuckers house. I saw Tucker and Sonja sitting at a table. Then when I walked in Mianite appeared.
Mianite: "So it seems we're all here.
Sonja: "Yup."
Mianite: "So as you all know, we are trying to come up with a plan.Today is not the day to do this. I cannot explain why. It's God stuff. But I want you all to plan what we might be able to do got it?"
Tucker: "Yeah
Sonja: "Ok"
Jordan: *nods head*
Mianite: "And Sparklez come follow me."
Tucker: "Why Jordan!?"
I followed Mianite outside. We walked to the Mianite's temple.

Mianite: "Do you have any idea why I have summoned you?"
Jordan: "N-no.
Mianite: "What are you doing with Tom!? He's a dianite follower!
Jordan: "I was just hanging with him!"
Mianite: "He is a follower of the God that has your God! How could you be so foolish!? It's a trap to get you to!"
Jordan: "N-No it's not. Tom wouldn't do that to me!
Mianite: "Well he did it to your God! So why wouldn't he do it to you!?"
Jordan: "Y-Your just mad at Dianite..... It was Dianite who did that not Tom!
Mianite: " You should be a shamed"

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