Im on cloud9

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Sparklez POV
Mianite: "you should be ashamed!"

Suddenly Ianite's voice came out of nowhere.
Ianite: "What?"

Mianite:"Oh nothing!"

Ianite: "I'm not stupid. I can hear you, you know.

Mianite: "I-I didn't say you were its just th-"

Ianite: "Enough. Sparklez is right. It was Dianite not Tom.

Mianite: "Bu-"

Ianite: "Sparklez is always the odd man out! He needs someone who he can trust! A friend."

Mianite: "Yes my sister"

Ianite: "And with that I'm gone"

I started walking to my house with mixed emotions. I could tell Mianite is mad at me. But I just was having fun. Ianite's right. I am always the odd man out because I'm the only one on my team! Just sometimes it's hard to be alone. Knowing that your God is in danger, really doesn't make you fill better. I opened my door and saw Tom.

Sparklez: "Uh.... what are you doing"
Tom: "I was looking for you.
Sparklez: "Oh I was......"
Tom: "What?"
Sparklez: "UhUhUh"

I am trying not to cry. To hear that a god is pissed at you... it doesn't make you fill that well. I walked away and sat on the stairs. Tom followed me.

Tom: "What's wrong, there is clearly something wrong"

Sparklez: "Nothing....,,nothing at all......"

Tom: "I seriously am going to kill you if you don't talk."

Sparklez: " It's just.. Mianite."

Tom: "What the hell did he do"

Mianite: "I did nothing!"

Tom: "WTF!! You can't just randomly appear in people's houses!"

Mianite: "I just did"

Tom: "I swear what the hell did you do sparklez!!"

Mianite: "You should know. You were there"

Tom: "Wha-what!?!?

Mianite: "You were messing around with sparklez! And I'm pissed because he is messing around with a follower of the god that has his God!"


I got up and ran up stairs. Tears rolling down my face. Tom followed me. Why is it when ever I fill most happiest it always doesn't last long. So what he's a Dianite follower!? I just don't get it! 'Sounds like someone is in love' my mind said. HOW THE HELL WOULD I BE IN LOVE!?!???!? My mind is going crazy.

Tom:"Jordan. Are you ok? Don't listen to Mianite, he's being a d¡ck."

Sparklez: "I'm fine."
He hugged me tightly. I haven't been hugged in forever. I buried my face into his chest. I let out a sob.
Toms POV
I fill horrible for Jordan. I just hate to see him like this... 'Tom you sound gay again!' My mind yelled. I don't sound gay! He's my friend!
'Sure.. says the person who helped capture his God' my mind yelled. Well I didn't willingly capture his God! I do what Dianite tells me to do!
Tom: "Are you ok?
Sparklez: "I'm fine I'm fine"
I couldn't help myself. I had to hug him. If I didn't do that something else would've happened..... '

Yeah like undress him'

I'm you mind. I know things you wouldn't know'

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