Cant have what you want

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Toms POV (sorry it's short)
Wtf!!! Sparklez just fell! But Tucker,Sonja,and Nade were to busy fighting to notice. I picked Jordan up in a bridal fashion. I sprinted towards his house. I kicked open the door and ran up stairs. I laid him down on the bed. I was in full on panic attach mode.
Sparklez POV
After I passed out all I saw was black. I started to walk around. It was a never ending of darkness. Then a flash of lightning struck on the floor. Then fire surrounded me. I heard someone laugh. the floor in front of me started to raise. Dianite appeared.

Dianite: "So it seems you have a dirty little secret"
Jordan: "No I don't. Ask me anything"
Dianite: "okay Mr. Confident, Are you in love with my follower.

He grabbed me by my collar and stared me in the eye. I didn't want to answer that question
Dianite: " Did you hear me! I said, Are you in love with my follower?!
Jordan: "Y-Yes......"
Dianite: "Hmm.... very interesting. And your an ianite follower. I'm not sure how I fill about that."

He dropped me, and let go of my collar.

Dianite: "But.... if you were a Dianite follower..."
Jordan: "Don't even think about it"
Dianite: "Okay okay. I can't promise anything now...."
Jordan: "I don't care! I'm not going to turn on m'lady! And I'm not going to turn on Tom either!"
Dianite: "Now answer this. Which person to you treasure more? Now think about this."
Jordan: "I don't pick favorites"
Dianite: "That's what I thought"

And with that I was snapped back into reality. Tom was sitting next to me.
Sparklez: " fine"
Tom: "What happened!?"
Sparklez: "I don't really wanna talk about it....."
Tom: "Promise me it wasn't anything bad"
Sparklez: "Well. it depends."
Tom: "Just say it."
Sparklez: "Dianite, he....."
Tom: "Spit it out already!"
Sparklez: "He asked me if I was in love with his follower and I said yes and he asked me if I treasure my god or his follower and it really freaked me out and I said I didn't pick favorites and he said that's what he thought and now I'm here."
Tom: "Wow.... that's a lot to take in..."
I hugged Tom and buried my face into his chest. I started to sob. I didn't know what's Dianite meant but I don't want to lose m'lady or Tom.
Toms POV
I was as confused as he was! I felt terrible for him. After about 5 minutes of his crying, my mouth started to water. At first I had no idea why.Then I noticed why. Duh because I have Sparklez in my arms! He stopped crying and just sat there. Gosh, it's so hard not to want this guy. He scooted even more close to me on the bed. THAT IS SUCH A TEASE!!!!! HE KNOWS!!! A smirk plastered on his face. I couldn't resist him no more. I pinned him against the bed and kissed him.I guess he wasn't expecting that because when I did, he had a shocked look on his face. But this time he immediately kissed back. I was now on top of him, still pinning him against the bed. I licked his lips begging for the entrance. He eventually opened his mouth. I explored his mouth. I was running out of air but I didn't care. I could tell he was to, his face was turning purple. We parted for air. I began to kiss his neck. I found his sweet spot and started to suck on it. He moaned. Then I crashed are lips together.(Sorry, Tom is a slight attention whore). Jordan slipped his hands up my shirt. (for a minute I forgot Tom is a man not a lady)
Sonjas POV
Sonja: "What do you think those to ladies were doing there earlier?
Tucker: "What do you mean!?
Sonja: "Well for 1 Tom usually hates sparklez. and for 2 they were in the same house together."
Tucker: "So what is the point? What are you implying!?"
Sonja: "I'm just saying that if they spent a night together..."
Tucker: "Why are you always in everyone's business!?
Sonja: "I'm just sayin. Something good must of been good enough for them to stay in the same room for more then 5 minutes.
Ianite POV (Shocker right?)
Since I'm tied to a pole, my arms always hurt. Then I heard someone behind me. I assumed it was Dianite and ignored him.
Dianite: "So did you hear the news?"
Ianite: "Hear what?!"
Dianite: "Oh that, Sparklez and SyndHD are in love. Funny how that works right."
He walked right in front of me and about 5 inches away from my face.
Dianite: "It's funny because, I have you in my possession, and I control Tom and you control Sparklez.
Ianite: "And where is this going?"
Dianite: "I could easily break them apart from each other, just like little dolls."
Ianite: "And how do you suppose your going to do that?
Dianite: "I'm in control of Tom so I can get him to turn... and I can make Sparklez pick between you or Tom"
Ianite: "You wouldn't"
Dianite: "Oh yes I would little sister."
Ianite: "He would never decide you know"
Dianite: "Ah, I have that planned to."
Ianite: "You have everything planned."
Dianite: "Yes indeed.
Sparklez POV
Tom fell asleep on top of me again. I just stroked his hair. Then I heard a loud bang! I looked up and all I saw was black. I slowly pushed Tom off of me trying not to wake him up. I got up from the bed a peeked my head out of the door. I saw Dianite and Mianite standing right outside.

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