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3 years later after the argument

Everyone has parted there ways except for Jin and Yoongi, they're still close friends. Jimin is now a famous singer, Tae is now a Gucci model, Jungkook is a Painter, Hobi is a choreographer, Namjoon is a Tour guy (Don't roast me about Namjoon, I had no idea what to put him as 😢) Jin is the manager at a restaurant and yoongi is a waiter at the same restaurant.

"Jin, I don't think I can work today." Yoongi says while laying down in bed. " Yoongi what's wrong, you haven't been acting like your normal self since jimin left. " Jin caresses his back trying to sooth him. "I just wanna be alone for now.." " Come on Yoongi you should go to therapy...I'll pay for it, okay? " "Jin there's nothing wrong with me! Just leave me alone already." " Stop acting like that, I wanna see your gummy smile and you laughing I'm tired of seeing you stay in bed and push me away" "I know you miss him and I'm sorry it didn't work out but you need to put it behind. If you really want another chance you can't just stay in bed thinking one day he'll come back." And with that Yoongi stayed silent knowing he was right.

Fine...I'll go to therapy, Yoongi finally accepts the truth. Jin smiles and hugs him and goes to find a therapy place for him. Yoongi takes a shower and gets ready for work.
What Yoongi wears:

 What Yoongi wears:

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What Jin wears:

Tomorrow I'll take you to therapy at 10:48 am, okay? Yeah, sure

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Tomorrow I'll take you to therapy at 10:48 am, okay? Yeah, sure. Yoongi replies back, not excited at all. Jin drives them to work and plays music on the way to lighten the mood. Which fails. We're here! If you need anything tell me, you know where I'll be. Yoongi nods and they both go inside. Just like every other day Jin gets greeted by the workers and gets compliments on how handsome he looks. Yoongi rolls his eyes at that and starts preparing in the back.

Yoongi gets his notepad to take orders and starts to go to tables. Yoongi goes back and forth getting orders and serving until he sees Jimin at one of the tables. Yoongi feels himself panic and wanting to burst into tears from seeing jimin again. Than he remembers he was the one that caused them to seperate so he decides not to take his order. Jae-Hwa, can you take his order, Yoongi says while pointing at jimin's table. I need a break. okay? Wait a minute isn't that jimin!? Jae-Hwa asks remembering Yoongi showing her pictures of him. Ughhh no, he's famous he wouldn't be here! Yoongi chuckles nervously and leaves to the back. Jae-Hwa shrugs and goes over to Jimin's table.

Yoongi goes to Jin's office and cries. What's wrong yoongi!? Jin gets up quickly and comforts him. He- He's here! yoongi says between sobs. Who's here? Ji- JIMIN he says while crying louder. Yoongi don't cry, it's gonna be alright Jin hugs him not caring if his suit gets wet. Jin wipes yoongi's tears away and gives him tissues. Yoongi blows his noes and throws the tissues away. I'm sorry for getting your suit wet. Yoongi wipes jin's suit trying to clean it. It's fine yoongi, how about you take the day off. n-no I'm fine it just hurts seeing him and knowing I was the one to make us separate.. ah- Yoongi it wasn't ur fault that you were jealous it was a total misunderstanding but if you don't wanna take the day off go easy on yourself, don't push yourself if you can't do it. okay, Thank you jin! No problem! Jin smiles as Yoongi goes back.

Yoongi-ah can you take the food to that guy's table, I need to clean up a mess a kid made, Jae-Hwa says sighing. Of course! Jae-Hwa smiles as a thank you and goes to clean up. Yoongi takes the food and takes it to the guy's table not realizing it was jimin's table. He put the food down and gives him his straw for his drink. Here you go! Do you need anything else? Yoongi asks while looking at the guy. Yoongi? Jimin asks remembering his voice. Y-yes, jimin? Yoongi gets nervous and fidgets with his pen. It's been a while since we've seen each other. I really miss you...I regret yelling at you, I really do. I thought you liked hobi until Jin called me that night to tell me what actually happened. Yoongi bites his lip holding back a tear.

Here, I wanna see you so we can catch up on things. Jimin says while giving Yoongi 2 tickets to his concert. It's on Friday, you can bring Jin if you want. Please come... I will! Yoongi says brightening up and puts the tickets in his pocket. Jimin smiles and eats. Yoongi leaves and squeals while on his way to Jin's office. He bursts through the door making Jin flinch. JIN!! JIMIN JUST INVITED US TO HIS CONCERT ON FRIDAYYY! Yoongi says while giving Jin his ticket. You actually got the guts to talk to him, Jin says while laughing. yeah, yoongi laughs with him. All of a sudden Yoongi's energy goes away and feels sad.

You okay yoongi? Jin asks, noticing his facial expression. yeah, yoongi gives him a weak smile and goes back to work and finishes up the day. Jin takes Yoongi back home and they go take a shower and sleep early since Yoongi has to get up earlier than usual. Goodnight Yoongi-ah! Jin says while he ruffles the shorter's hair. Goodnight hyung. Yoongi fixes his hair and goes to bed.

How was this one?😅 The title didn't go well with the story but I tried showing how Yoongi got depressed from the separation with jimin. Tell me what y'all think and vote if you liked it
Thank you so much!💜
Word count: 1007 Words

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