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Next Day at 12:05 pm

SHIT! Yoongi woke up quickly hearing Jin cuss. Yoongi checked the time and noticed why. well fuck- he said. Jin dashed to Yoongi's room without knocking. BRO GET UP WE'RE LATE BITCH. yeah,yeah. Yoongi got up and took a shower and wore this:

 Yoongi got up and took a shower and wore this:

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(not the purse or handbag whatever it is)

Jin wore this:

Yoongi checked himself in the mirror and wondered If his therapist Would judge him for what he wore

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Yoongi checked himself in the mirror and wondered If his therapist Would judge him for what he wore. He liked to wear feminine clothes for 2 years now (except for when he went to work) and he did get judge for it but Jin always stood up for him. He went downstairs and ate some toast with jelly on it then went to the car where Jin waited for him.

You look pretty yoongi-ah, Jin smiled and drove to his therapist. Thank you hyung! A few minutes later they got there and went inside. We're here for yoongi....sorry we're late, Jin sheepishly laughed off. Yoongi tugged on jin's sleeve a bit nervous and looked down at his feet, knowing people were staring at him. Jin caressed his back and took him to his therapist's room.

Hyung can't you come in! No, I can't but I'll wait outside. Dont worry yoongi, he'll just ask some questions. My therapist is a guy-. yes... Jin responded knowing that made the younger more nervous. Couldn't you get me a girl therapist, yoongi whined. Ah- Yoongi in truly sorry but you have to go already, Jin said lightly pushing Yoongi to the room and closed it.

Yoongi sat down and fidget with his fingers. Hello, Min Yoongi. My name is Yong-Sun. H-hi..,yoongi manage to say. We're gonna start with the last time you smiled and had no sadness or anger pulling you down. The session took an hour and ended with Yoongi crying on Yong-Sun's shoulder. {I had no idea what the dialog should have been for yoongi and yong-sun so we're gonna skip that :)} Yoongi finished crying and blew his nose. Yong-Sun walked towards jin. Yoongi's next appointment is on Monday at 12:40, okay? Okay, did Yoongi do alright. He did pretty well but I suggest you to take him to places so he can open up more and stop hiding his feelings. He's hiding his feelings a lot and it's not good for his mental health. Thank you so much yong-sun. He smiled and hugged Yoongi before he went to his next patient.

Jin took Yoongi home and sat at the table. So today we're gonna go out, I was thinking of maybe the park or to the cafe. Jin suggested. How about the cafe, I wanna get boba, and a slice of cake. Yoongi said halfway smiling. Sounds good to me! Jin and Yoongi walked to the cafe since it was down the street. When they went inside Yoongi ordered boba and a slice of cheesecake. Jin didn't know what he wanted so he just ordered the same thing. Jin payed and went to go sit with yoongi.

Hey, doesn't he look like kookie? Yoongi asked motioning towards a boy sitting in a corner booth, sketching. I can't see his face well, but the way he signature his sketch seems like kookie. Jin got up and stand beside jungkook in case if it wasn't him it would look like he was talking to someone else. Kookie? The boy looked up from his paper he's been sketching on and said, Jin is that you..!? Jungkook got up quickly and hugged Jin as if it was gonna be the last time they see each other.

Where's Yoongi-ah? Jungkook asked looking around. He's over there. Jin said pointing to the shorter boy with feminine clothes. Jungkook was in awe and rushed to the younger. Yoongi-ah!! Yoongi was about to say something but was tackled by jungkook. Kookie, get off you're heavy! Oh, sorry. jungkook got off and laughed. You look beautiful. Jungkook smiled while looking at every feature of yoongi. Stop starring! Jungkook and Jin chuckled. Let's go to the park! Jungkook grabbed Jin and Yoongi and walked to the park.

They sat on the swings and starred at the stars since it was already late. So what have y'all been up to? Jungkook asked thinking about how different they looked. Me and Yoongi work at a restaurant. I'm the manager and Yoongi is a waiter. Jin explained. and I just started to go to therapy, yoongi sheepishly laughed. Why, what's wrong?! Jungkook was now worried for him. Yoongi shrugged, apparently in lacking social skills and sorta depressed. Jungkook pulled Yoongi into a hug and ruffled his hair.

Sorry for being slow with this story but I hope you enjoyed it
If you did enjoy it, please vote and if you didn't please don't hesitate to say something. I really wanna make these better. Thank you so much! 💜
Word Count: 831 Words

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