A Little Spark

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Next Day/Saturday

Yoongi's Pov

It was finally the day I get out!! I'm not sure who was picking me up but it was most likely to be Jin. The door opened revealing my favorite nurse!

Hi, yoongi! Hey! I said back. I'm a bit sad to hear that you're leaving today... It's only been like 2 days and I'm already attached to you!

I laughed at how she's already attached to me, if only jiminie was like that. Anyways since your other clothes got bloody and stinky, she pinched her nose to show it was stinky. I got you new ones! There actually mine but you can keep them! She smiled and handed them to me.

Awww, thank you! I got up and took a shower and changed.

I left the restroom after changing and posed a few times in front of Mi-Sun, my favorite nurse

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I left the restroom after changing and posed a few times in front of Mi-Sun, my favorite nurse. So how do I look? You look like a model. We laughed and sat down on the hospital bed.

Who's gonna pick you up? Mmmm, I'm not sure, probably Jin. Your boyfriend?~ She wiggled her eyebrows. No!!! He's my close friend and almost like a brother or cousin to me! Oh, hahahahaa! So do you have a special someone? Well...he's special to me but we're not dating. Why not!? You are the most nicest, hottest, cutest, and wife/husband material! Who wouldn't want you. You wouldn't- I said back, jokingly. I mean- she bit her bottom lip and checked me out.

Stop ittt!!! She laughed at me and swayed her feet. The door swung open and jungkook was there. Wow....you look so pretty, yoongi-ah. I chuckled and got off the bed.

Don't goooo!!! Mi-Sun whined and hugged me from behind. No! He's coming with me! Jungkook pulled my arm trying to get me out of her reach. Y'all act like kids and y'all are older than me. They laughed and Mi-Sun finally let go of me. Bye yoongi! Bye Mi-Sun! We hugged and parted our ways.

As jungkook drove us home he commented on how I looked. You look like porcelain doll. ....Is that good or bad? porcelain dolls kinda look ugly. Ah- yoongi I meant as your skin tone, the cute clothes and your innocence. You look so delicate! I chuckled and got out of the car and went inside the house.

I gasped when I saw jimin at the couch talking to jin. I guess my gasp was a little too loud and dramatic because after I gasped both, jimin and jin turned their heads towards me. I got embarrassed and ran to my room.

I locked the door and sat at my desk. I hope he didn't come to my room, I mumbled to myself since there were lots of pictures of jimin on the wall, around my desk. I stared at them like if someone was staring at jewelry made with real diamonds and gold.

I didn't realize how long I was looking at them until I heard pounding on my door which made me flinch hard. I got up and opened the door real quick. Jeez are you okay yoongi? I was knocking on your door for like forever and thought something bad happened to you so I was about get kookie to break the door open. Jeez hyung, sorry for worrying you....I was just d-dazing at my ji-jimin pictures.

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