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the bustling of the street is not nearly as exhilarating as new york, but it could surely come close. the shops smile in their corners, their friendly lights and greeting flowers are heart warming. i can nearly feel excitement radiating off of the people around me, or maybe that is just me. though, even as the sun smiles down on me, i am nearly too anxious to begin. 

too anxious indeed. 

the mind of a writer is always moving 100 miles per minute. taking details they see and making them into a story right in their head, only to forget it a little later. ricky had to take deep breath, letting his eyes close shut for just a second to recenter his thoughts. he was here for a month; he didn't need to finish this story in a week and just have nothing to do later. this was his break, he needed to take it. 

it was hard trying to see around the buildings, but in a way, ricky didn't mind at all. he could see the eiffel tower peaking out from the top of most, almost poking the sky with it's strong demeanor and over powering height. ricky couldn't help his star eyes as he stared up at it. 

this was nearly a dream. 

it would be more of a dream if he didn't have the memories that went with the effiel tower. 

"okay, stop thinking like a writer for a second, and start thinking like a random french girl." ricky muttered to himself, raking a hand through his tangled curls from the flight. "where would i put a bakery..." 

he glanced around the area around him. there happened to be quite few bakeries, but none of them were the one he was looking for. he could already tell that this 'nina' was a spontaneous person, because he got a letter a little later that week telling him that finding her cafe was going to be part of his adventure. hence, no address. 

hence, lost ricky. 

"i, uh, uh, excuse me?" ricky stopped a blonde man with glasses perched on his nose before he could walk into a book store. ricky was desperate, that's why he was pulling the lowest move a man could: asking for directions. the blonde man gave ricky a kind smile as he collected his words. "do you know where to find cafe ensoleilles?" 

ricky felt a wave of relief wash over him when the boys eyes lit up and he smiled. "of course! it's crazy popular around here." he said cheerily. "i was going to head there after i found a book. i can show you! follow me!" 

the curly haired man let out a large breath of relief. "thank you so much!" ricky breathed, following the man's steps. "i was beginning to loose hope." 

"well, you don't have to now, don't worry." the stranger said with a laugh. "i'm seb." 

ricky nodded gleefully. "ricky." 

"it's a pleasure to meet you, ricky!" seb exclaimed, giving ricky a quick grin. "i can see it's your first time in paris in a while." 

ricky raised an eyebrow at the statement. "how did you figure?" 

the blonde boy let out a chuckle before looking at ricky's outfit. "let's just say that you look very american." 

this made ricky even more confused. he was just wearing what he usually did; his button down shirt and some khaki shorts. he occasionally wore a tie too, but he wasn't feeling it today. "i don't see what's wrong with it." he mumbled, lost.

"oh, honey, nothing is wrong with it at all." seb assured. "but take a second to look around you. people got a little better fashion than you here." he laughed, but his eyes quickly widened in fear. "I DON'T MEAN THAT AS AN INSULT!" he added quickly, making ricky let out a light chuckle. "i'm just saying that i- ugggggh, i don't know what i was saying." 

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢 - 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now