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 The wolves were on their way and it made it harder for her to focus

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The wolves were on their way and it made it harder for her to focus. Historia's hands trembled, needle and medical thread in hand, focusing with every fiber of her being on the gash etched upon the other's once porcelain skin, stretching from the right shoulder blade downward.

"Make it quick, we don't have time to waste." - His voice; solemn and rough, immediately snapping the blonde from her cogitations.

A gulp of saliva in attempt to calm her nerves, soft digits trailed along his wound, frantic mind trying to figure out where to begin and how. It was dimly lit within the abandoned hut they took refuge in and with the sun setting behind the wall, there was hardly any light coming from outside either. Her free hand gripped his bare back, as if it would steady her shaking hand. She has never done something like this before – but the wound needed to be closed.

" –I might hurt you." She admitted and Levi shuffled slightly to give her a sharp glance from the side of his eye.

"...Historia!" He skipped out on the usual formality he had addressed her with the last couple of years – depicting the level of urgency he needed for her to act. It didn't help calm her nerves.

Okay – I can do this, she said mentally before taking a deep breath and holding it. Biting down on her lip, a look of determination came over her once terrified expression and ever so thoughtfully, she pierced his skin and began to sew it all closed. His body didn't flinch throughout the entire process. Once it was done, she exhaled harshly a breath in which she held the entire time; panting as if she was the one getting stitched up.

Without a second thought, she ripped the cloth to her pink skirt and cleaned away the residue of blood and saw just how well she did. A look of astonishment and relief painted across her visage just as a small smile of hope curved upon her lips.

"...I think you're going to be alright!" It wasn't as good as Sasha's handy work but the young queen was proud of herself. Stepping back, the weight of guilt took away her small moment of joy. He got injured because she was too careless – too trusting and naïve. Even now at the age of 19, she was ignorant to the world around her.

Silently she watched him throw his blood stained white button up back on with the words she desperately wanted to speak dancing along her tongue. refusing to escape. Still, she needed to know.

"...Did you know...there were traitors within the castle?"

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This is a RivaHisu fanfic but I implore you to read despite this.

I tried my best to make the situations within this story realistic to the actual plot. As I truly believe a society birthed and grown upon the foundation of corruption and lies could never simply accept Historia as their new queen with how clean her hands are.

This is set after the time skip, making Historia about the age of 20. So I must highlight that she is not a child.

Comments/feedback are ALWAYS welcomed. This is my first Attack on Titan fanfiction and I hope you all enjoy. That being said, if there is something you'd like to happen tell me and I will do my best to fulfill that request! After all, I am writing this FOR YOU to enjoy! <3

( A name in bold will depict which point of view something is written in. Please make note of that. )

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