Flashback / dream going on for the few next chapters

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-after school

Luke walked up to me with a girl with black hair that was curly she had a lip ring

"Bree this is Kimberly my sister"

"Hi" I wave she waves back

We talked a bit I had to go home and get my clothes changed into my dark clothes my black eyeliner and my skate board

-waiting a minute

Luke nocked on my door

"Hey Luke and shhh my mom is asleep and so is my sister and my five brothers" he nods

"C'mon let's go to the park" he smiles and pulls me out the door

"Okay let me close the door" I laugh closing the door we go to the skate park and .. Wow it was big I jump on my skate board (skate board =SB NAOW) and went up and down the ramps as so did Luke it was so much fun

"Your good at skating"

"Your not so bad your self" I giggle

Adam and a boy walk by , Adam looked over to me and yelled

"HEY BREE" I ignored him and did tricks on my SB

"Damn Bree you are better than me Luke and Michael" Adam laughed I stopped skating

"Honestly Luke is good two you and Michael if that's his name I dunno" I look over to Luke he was in a corner and there was Ashley cornering him I thought to my self if I call Luke my bf for a second she would hate me and most of the school would to

"Hey get off my boyfriend Ashley" I say instantly regretting it I look to Luke his eyes were wide

"Bree is dating Luke?" I hear Adam ask Michael I turn to them and whisper no

"Shhh" I whisper again

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