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Brianna's POV
It's been a year since Michael proposed to me and today was the day I finally get to put on my beautiful gown and get all dolled up, to get married. I was standing beside my father waiting for the music to start as my cue to walk down the aisle, my legs felt like noodles I was so nervous and my hands were shaky around the flowers in my hand "Brianna Calm down, you'll be fine." My dad reassured me I nodded, and heard the music start I braced myself for the eyes all on me I walked out and and my eyes immediately fell on Michael, who no longer was the boy with the colorful hair but was the boy who held my heart. He smiled as soon as he seen me and my nerves went away instantly I smiled back. Not soon enough I was standing in front of Michael with Mali (Mali Koah) behind me and my other two friends and my sister behind her. I was staring at Michael as Dan (Michael and I's friend) started to talk. After a while he told us to read out our vows, I started first " I promise to agree to disagree when we have our petty fights about Pokemon or something stupid. I promise to love you for more than your guitar playing. I promise, to love you as much as I have these past three years, and to never let that love go away. And I promise to always keep you in my heart forever and always and never let you go." I said and looked up from the sheet of paper in my hand to find Michael's face lit up as bright as I've ever seen it. Dan told Michael to start and Michael pulled out a small sheet of paper with writing on the back of it, I looked closer and seen my old cell number on it. "You wrote your vows on the back of my cell number sheet?" I asked smiling he chuckled "Yeeahhh" I giggled and he smiled and began reading "I Promise to always let you win when we have our Pokemon fights. I Promise to never call you insane no matter how crazy you are. I Promise to never let you get away from me no matter how mad you get. I Promise to always love you no matter how stubborn you are. I Promise to love you forever and always. And I Promise to let you follow your dreams even if they are crazier than mine and never hold you back. I love you Baby forever and always." I had tears in my eyes after he finished and I sniffled a bit Michael chucked and Dan continued with the ceremony and we continued with our I Do's "I, Michael, take Brianna Carders for my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, forever."I Brianna, take Michael Clifford for my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, forever." "You may now kiss the bride." Dan said finally and Michael and I shared our very first kiss as husband and wife, me and Michael pull away from our kiss, I look to my mom and dad, my mom was crying and my dad was holding in his tears, I smile and look to Luke Calum Ashton and Mali's boyfriend Alex, they were smiling and crying at the same time. I love my life

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