Chapter 1

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Harley's POV

I could feel my stomach churning and my heart hit the floor. He doesn't remember me. He doesn't remember anything.

How could this be happening.

"What do you mean?" I said as calmly as I could.

"I'm sorry. D-Do I know you?" He stuttered, looking confused.

A group of nurses and the doctor came rushing into the room when they noticed the flux in his heart rate, making me leave so they can do tests on him. He stared back at me as I was pushed out of the room with the same look in his eyes as the night I found him: confused and scared, like a lost child.

Hours later, after sitting in the waiting room, and pacing up and down halls, getting concerned looks from the nurses, I went back to his room to see if he was still there, to see if he was okay. He was alone except for one nurse who was just removing the blood pressure cuff and exiting the room. As she walked out I stopped her outside the door.

"May I see him?"

She sighed heavily, thinking for a moment. "Sure, but make it quick" she winked at me, as if telling me to stay as long as I want.

As I walked into the dimly lit room, he looked up at my face from his bed and a small smile grew on his face, but quickly faded.

"You're the girl... from earlier."

"Yeah..." I said as I sat in the chair next to his bed.

"I'm really sorry that I don't recognize you. I mean, do I know you?"

"Um... Y-Yeah. Well, at least... you used to." The ball in my throat grew to the point that I almost couldn't breathe. I stopped myself from hugging him, kissing him, or holding his hand at all, which was the worst feeling I've ever felt. My whole body twitched at the idea of it, and I could feel the anxiety swelling in my stomach.

"Oh... I..." he didn't know what to say, clearly confused and scared.

"Okay, look. You, uh, you tried to..." I couldn't bring myself to say it, and the tears started flooding out of my eyes, but I still tried to hold them back.

"What?" He looked at me with pity in his eyes, begging for an explanation of some sort.

"You tried to kill yourself." I said blankly, as I sniffled back as many years as I could. "And I found you on your bathroom floor. You took a lot of pills and almost died." I cried harder just thinking about it. I looked down at my shaking hands, and tried to calm myself, but it only made me more anxious, cause my legs to jerk against each other. "I'm your- I was your girlfriend. I know you probably don't remember me at all, but-"

"No, I'm sorry." he sighed, placing his hand on mine, that was rested in the side of his bed. "But you're beautiful." he smiled.

A grin broke across my face as tears poured into my mouth. I wiped my face and shook my head, not wanting to believe any of this.

"How much do you remember?" I asked through my cracking voice.

"I-I remember my mom and... Alex!" He exclaimed, sitting up. "I need to get home to see him!"

"Uh, you can't go home yet. The- the doctors have to clear you." I couldn't tell him. Not yet. And now I'm shaking again.

"Oh. Right." he sighed, laying back down. I sighed in relief.

I glanced at the clock, the hands slowly ticking, as if mocking me. They know how hard things are for me right now, but they just keep on going, like all is well in the world, taking my time away with them. I look at River and instant guilt floods through my body, because I can't help but picture him on that bathroom floor, and how if I had just been there for him all along, he wouldn't have ended up there. If I hadn't given him room to fall that far, he wouldn't have. I can't keep these thoughts out of my head, and the tears I had temporarily managed to control, again came flowing down my face one by one.

"I'm sorry" River sigh, hurt apparent in his voice.

"Stop apologizing" I sniffled.

"I'm s-" he stopped himself and stifled a giggle "I just really don't like seeing you sad, and even though I just met you, it's such a familiar feeling. Why is that?"

"I don't know... It's just that, before you came into my life, I wasn't exactly happy. And you made me so happy that I didn't think I deserved it, so I was reluctant at first, thought it was too good to be true, I thought you were too good to be true. So when I almost lost you, I couldn't have lived with myself knowing that I never told you that."

He looks confused, yet knowing, and decides not to say anything. Why am I doing this: putting such a burden on him, moments after he woke up?

"I'm sorry, you don't have to listen to this. I mean I-I should probably go anyway-"

"Wait," he called, "Promise me you'll come back. Oh, and could you tell my mom I'm awake, I'd really like to see Alex."


Rivers POV

I wake up and feel something holding my hand. I open my eyes to see a girl with tear stained cheeks and hopeful smile plastered on her face. I don't know who she is but something about her is too familiar. I ask who she is and her face dropped. Seeing her sad sent a wave of pain through me. As she explained to me who she was and why I was here, I was speechless when she said I had tried to kill myself. I don't know why it surprised me so much, I've definitely thought about it plenty of times. I just never thought I'd actually try.


As she walked away from my bed, leaving the hospital room, I had so many thoughts racing through my head.
Why did I try to kill myself?
Why didn't mom and Alex greet me as I woke up?
Why aren't they here yet?
Are they even going to come?
Will she ever come back?
Does she blame herself for all this?
I just can't do this, I can't sit here wth nothing to do, no one to talk to, because I'll just beat myself up about things I didn't even know happened 10 minutes ago. But seriously, what could've been so bad that I tried to end my life?

I decide to just give up for the night and get some sleep. Funny how being in a coma is so exhausting, you'd think you'd be tired of sleeping, but as I laid there thinking a million thoughts, I could hardly keep my eyes open and sleep slowly took me.


Well, there ya go guys! The first ever chapter of Forgotten. I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you want to continue reading because I'd love to continue writing for you guys! Please vote and comment what you think! I love your feedback! Until next time loves!

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