The Shopping Mart

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Sometimes some things, opens a lot of windows of the room of our memories, so many that sometimes you get surprised. Memories are like a box of chocolates, you open it once and you won't be satisfied by just one. The world of memories is a beautiful one. The tiny tiny pieces of our past, stay secure in this world.

A blonde boy is currently in this world of memories, going through his school's yearbook. Smiling, seeing the young faces of his ex-classmates and himself. But his smile flatters a bit, seeing a particular face on of the pages.

Dark hair. Green eyes, covered by round rimmed glasses. Tan, olive skin. And a grin on his face.

Draco looked at the face once more before closing the book and looking back at the wedding invitation card, lying on the floor.

~~8 Years Ago~~

Draco pushed the shopping trolley to the checking counter, while balancing the book in his hands. He paused at the front of the counter and looked at his own reflection.

Glasses covering his gray eyes, a book in his hands. Skinny jeans on his slim legs and a polo t-shirt on his body. He frowned at his own reflection, not liking his own appearance. He couldn't help but think he looks.....boring.

He was brought out of his thoughts by his father coming to the counter, finally finding his wife's favorite brand's tea. He put it on the counter while Draco helped him.

"Hey. what are you staring at? If you want to stare, stare at the TV." Draco turned to look at the source of the voice, seeing a brunette girl in shorts, scolding a boy younger than her.

"Pardon me?" the boy said.

"What Pardon me? I saw you looking at my legs okay? What? Haven't seen sexy legs before?"

"I have. Yours are not sexy" the boy said, making the girl see red.

"Want me to slap you? Say sorry, Say SORRY!" she raised her voice with crossed arms.

"Sorry" the boy said, leaning back from the hand in front of him.

"Go! Stand in some other queue" the girl shouted before the boy went somewhere else.

The girl turned muttering a small 'idiot' under her breath before she caught the sight of Draco.

Suddenly a little smile and a look of recognition appeared on her face.

"Draco? Draco Malfoy"

Draco gave her a smile in return. "Hi Hermione"

"How are you?" she asked with a small chuckle.

"Good" Draco said lightly. His father came beside him and looked back at Hermione.

He looked back at Draco before asking "Is she your friend?" with a look.

Draco opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but Hermione beat him to it.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy. I'm Hermione, me and Draco were together in school"

Draco's father just nodded before going back to transferring the items from the trolley to the counter top. Meanwhile Hermione continued her talk with Draco.

"Long time, huh?". Draco just smiled and nodded. Well, Draco was known to be the silent one. But Hermione could probably talk to a stone too.

"So, what are you doing nowadays?" she asked to Draco who was helping his father with the transferring of the items. He looked back at her before replying.

"Nothing much" but Draco's father, hearing their conversation jumped in.

"What do you mean by nothing much?" he asked Draco with a pointed look before looking back at Hermione.

"He's studying Medicine, he is the top student" he said proudly, but Draco was feeling quite uncomfortable. 

In return Hermione just smiled.

"Wow. You're same as before. From the school" Draco just forced a smile on his face.

"He was same in the school too Mr. Malfoy. Always at the top" she said with a smile, continuing keeping her own items at the other counter.

"Obviously" he said while smiling at Draco, while he just looked away.

"Studies give too much stress. It's nice that the vacations are starting from tommorow!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh, where are you going in vacations?" Draco's father asked. And meanwhile Draco just shaked his head and sighed.

"I'm going to Hogsmeade, with my friends" she replied, before turning to Draco "You must remember them Draco. Harry and Ron?" she asked Draco who looked clueless.


"Harry and Ron. You know my best friends, Ron with red hair. And Harry, Hadrian Potter!" she exclaimed quickly. Finally Draco remembered and nodded. 

"Yeah, the ones who always sat at the back, Right?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. And Hermione quickly nodded.

"Anyways, it was nice to meet you Draco" Hermione said before picking up the bag from the counter and smiling at Draco before walking out. Pinching the boy who she argued with on the way.

Draco looked at her back getting smaller but looked away when was called. He looked at the worker who was on the counter from where Hermione checked her items out.

"Excuse me sir. Your friend left this" the worker said before handing Draco a pamphlet in what was written a list of snacks and things needed in camping as tents, torches, etc etc. And on the top was a message :

9 am at King Cross station. Don't be late     --Harry


So this was the first chapter, hope you liked it. I will try to update fast. Please write comments too, I love reading them. 

Stay Safe

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